
Friendship Rose Reaches to the Sky

Large roses on tall bush

My friendship rose came into bloom in stages. The roses on the bottom started to bloom first in a beautiful random row with dozens of buds ready to pop next.  The rose bush looked like it was going to reach into the sky with the many new blooms it was ready to support.  It is always a lovely thing to see this bush take shape each year when the season begins.


The rose bush was given to me during a break in a meeting seven years ago.   A friend, who I have know for more 15 years, suddenly appeared in the door of the room we were in with a smile and a wave.  I looked up and was surprised to see her as I was there to work with a team in the school system.  She had timed her arrival perfectly!  I stepped into the hall and she quickly said that she was there to give me this rose, a friendship rose, and hoped it would remind me of her.  I had immediate smiles and tugs at the heart in return for her kindness.

She then left after a quick hug and gentle look into my eyes.  Of course.

I knew that I would always remember her.

We had been down a path of advocacy, volunteering, learning together and so much more for years.

And then we had one more thing in common.  She had a daughter who had passed away and we had a son who had passed away.  The two of us on this path, similar and yet unique, and she had taken time to know I was in her city and to bring this rose.

Ahhhh.  The depth of friendship will always be there.

I stepped back into that meeting with gratitude and determination to keep the momentum moving forward to learn and support and connect with families, professionals and always – my friends.


This rose is in our yard as a reminder to keep stretching and coming back each season.

Roses do that.

I watch this rose all year.  I cut this rose back drastically each year to remove old branches to make room for new growth. I remove the roses that are finished with their bloom so new ones can come on. I watch for little bugs and give it the right amount of water and sunshine. The buds reaching for the sun on top will soon be full blooms and I can’t wait to see how big they are!

What if we are like that?  What if I pay enough attention to a person who comes after me like my amazing friend did for me those years ago?   I love to watch for the new parents coming, and other who want to learn, and help them grow into what they need to do next! Could I help them reach?

And…. we keep those of us who are the ones blooming now.

Hey!  We can do this together? Yes, yes we can. Do this joining as friends who teach one another what we all know and grow to new heights – dare I say it?  Together.

That is what this rose has taught me.  Keep the base in place, like the base my friend gave me, and the roses bloom again and again.  Beautifully.

Grow into what?  Reach into what?  These are the grand question.  Grow and reach, let’s see what happens, my friends.


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