
Bees by the Dozen. We Have A Bee!


Bees are all around us and then there was this One. 


In our yard we gather types of flowers and trees and plants that attract bees on purpose. 

For years, we have grown a garden and look for the bees to come so our fruit and vegetables will grow.  


Bees bring growth as they spread pollen from one flower or blossom to another. They work together to do what they are meant to do!  Do you see the beauty in the bee?  


Oh my. 

Did you know this?

Here is the other thing about the bee.  They should not be able to fly. Can you believe that? The bee that we all see so often? How can this.. Be? 


The physics of this flying insect is such that even NASA has created something about this.  I was recently given this information.  Thank you, you know who you are!


NASA has a poster with a bee on it that reads:

“Aerodynamically a bee’s body is not made to fly; the good thing is that the bee doesn’t know “.


Years ago my brother found this out and brought this detail to our attention. He was excited and perhaps bewildered. Hey, Did you know?  I was impressed and loved that he was looking at a detail about a bee. 


It’s about the physics of the bee, he said. Their wings are not actually wide enough to carry their big body!  The bee has no idea.  Who knew?

  We had no idea. 


We were in the day to day doing what we did for Dallin, tracking and scheduling and laughing and paying close attention to other details.  The stuff. 


And then he said something that stopped me in my tracks.  

We have a bee

My brother, the tough one who worked in construction, who would also do anything for our son at the drop of a hat, said Dallin is just like a bee! Dallin should not be walking still and yet he is!  Dallin is like a bee!


Sometimes it takes a person who is a half a step to our side to share their insights and their views to help us enjoy the strength they see.  


Well, at this time, Dallin was starting to get weaker due to some of the intense and complex medical events that were happening to his physical body.  He was needing help to walk as he was also getting confused about his day to day stuff.  Dallin was also about 6’ tall at this time so did have this big body to move around. 



He would hold onto your arm or help someone who used a wheelchair by pushing them to where they needed to go.  He did not use a wheelchair at this time. Yet. 


We were talking to physical therapists, doctors and others we knew about the muscle weakness we were seeing in Dallin.  We did not know what was happening. Neither did Dallin.


The thing that stopped me about what my brother said is that Dallin did not know the details about what was happening to his physical body, he just kept going and doing.  He kept walking and doing so much more than we thought possible because, well, he didn’t know otherwise. 


It was like Dallin was saying Well, I could do this yesterday so I will get up and see what I can do today.  Are you with me?  Okay! Let’s do this. 

Letting the bee … be

Dallin was not only like the bee, he could have told the bees a thing or two about doing what you need to do when others tried to tell you you couldn’t.  


Truth be told, I am not sure anyone told Dallin he couldn’t do anything. He was surrounded by people who gave him ways to keep going, even when it was hard to see him getting weaker or when he was slowing down or taking longer to get from here to there.  


I worked to give him support and he decided if wanted to use it or not. 


Dallin is the bee. He did things longer than his body should have been able to do any of it.  He did it all on his terms.


The bees that we have around us now are gentle reminders about what we can do. Of one who did things longer than any thought possible.  That more is possible than we can dream.  


I pay attention when bees are around.


What is your ‘it’, my friends? Pay attention to it. Then go and do it. 


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  1. Terah Fullmer on July 21, 2021 at 10:31 pm

    Beautifully inspiring!

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