
The Folded Book – Giving Space

Folded Book

The Folded Book – Giving Space


I was with two of my friends at a local art market a few years ago.  We were meandering through each booth inside the large converted space.  It looked like it had been a horse arena a few days before and we could still see some dirt and straw on the ground. 


Each booth brought new must have treasures to be explored and discovered.  


As we walked into the space that held this folded book, my mind was held by its exactness, the fold of the pages were sharp, clean and detailed. 


I was transported in time to another realm and a quivering smile popped onto my face.   


My friends were looking at other items but soon noticed my trance of joy.


As I spoke to the creator of this book to find out how it was made, who made it and other small talk to get my motor running again, I could feel their eyes on me.  

My smile was growing as I listened. 


The books were made by the mom of this mom and daughter creative duo.  She would watch the television and fold each page in half as she found that doing so was relaxing.  There were certain books she would look for to create this project.  It took her several hours to complete the folding and then make sure each page was creased well. 


I purchased the book and the pedestal it was sitting on so I would have the look ready to go at our home. 

Here we go

All this time, my friends were watching and listening and getting even more curious as to why I made a beeline for the book.  I grinned and said I would tell them in a moment.  I was jumping with excitement inside to the point that I needed to give the words a minute to come. 


And then.  The words came. 

When our son, Dallin, was about 4 years old, he started to fold the pages of books in half.  Perfectly in half.  Only certain types of books and with such precision that we would watch and wonder what he saw and was doing with the creation of each fold. 


This was about two years after he had survived the illness that changed his life, that had created the medical mysteries and complex intellectual and developmental disabilities. He was having multiple seizures and he was learning how to communicate again.


There was a lot going on in his little body so when we saw the newness of folding pages we were not overly concerned.  It seemed that others were so we made an appointment with a new specialist to see if we should be looking at changing or adding something. 


And now, here we were. At another specialist’s office.  Talking about folding pages! 

To the appointment I went with Dallin.  The specialist watched Dallin for a little bit, and asked me what the main concern was.  I told him. 


And then, my friends, he did the best thing ever! This professional, the specialist who had just met us. 


I still smile and feel gratitude for it! Are you ready? Aaahh.  The simple joy of it. 


He said.  That is not a problem.  There is something that Dallin needs to do right now.  He is creating new pathways in his brain.  When he is done with it, he will put it away and go on. 


What?  Oh My. Can you feel the exhale?  Can you feel the release of concern?  


If not, let me tell you a bit more.  When we went to doctor or specialist appointments at this time and for the next decade, it was usually to hear what we needed to do more of, or what we were going to need to do next, or that a report had come back with results we did not expect. 


This time it was good.  Let Dallin lead. Trust him. This small child will tell you what he needs. 


My shoulders relaxed, I sat back in the office chair and learned more from this specialist about what Dallin could teach me.  


Seeing that folded book in the booth with my friends reminded me that indeed, Dallin did lead.  He folded books for a while longer. With precision.  Only certain types of books at certain times of the day.  

And then, he started to slow down and look at them. And then he started to use his literacy skills to read and find what he wanted to look at when he was at the store.  He used his communication skills to tell us.  We were off!

Leaning into the Lessons

I still grin with contentment when I see this folded book.  It is on a shelf in my home office.  

What can we learn when we allow another to teach us?  When we reach out and listen to another’s perspective and give a wee bit of space for a new thought to enter into our realm? 


Does this sound scary?  It did for me at the time.  And then, my friends, it brought a new space for our son to teach.  And he did teach. Me and maybe others. 


Find your space, my friends.  Create it one inch at a time, if needed.  The space is here for you.  


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