
The Three Pieces of Art

Three Pieces of Art

The three pieces of art


We remodeled the upstairs of our home a couple of years ago.  It included putting in new flooring, changing the kitchen cabinets and countertops, and adding a new paint color in most of the rooms.  


We moved all of the furniture from the rooms as we were taking out the old flooring.  As we did this we found a few hidden treasures behind a hutch that has been in place for almost 10 years. 


Small hearts from Valentine’s Day decorations, a piece of paper and then an old pink pill that Dallin took daily and yet it somehow slipped away for us to be hidden for the next 8 years.


Some of the carpet that was taken out had spots where orange juice had been spilled time and time again in the place where our son sat as he watched his favorite movies and public television shows.  


Sometimes these spills would come as dancing and laughing were taking place. 

Other times, juice did not quite make it to the clean up stage when snack time was done. 


Either way, the carpet was crunchy and it was time for it to be replaced. 


Why then, did I want to keep a sample of it?  I really considered taking out my utility knife and cutting out a big square, holding onto it even with the sticky back that came with it. 

Being understood

Brandon wondered and then he understood.  This is where Dallin sat. Where he poured his own juice.  Where he drank his juice.


That was the acknowledgement we both needed.  


Keep the story.  Let the carpet go.  


Can you believe that? 

I did not need the scrap of carpet after I felt all the emotions. 

On we go. 


As I completed the rest of the remodel, I got to the point of putting things back together.  

Ok. Here we go. 

Put the hutch back in place on the new flooring. Keep out the scraps of paper and that one pink pill.  


The kitchen was back in order quickly.


And then we came to the office. It sat empty for days and then almost weeks. 

We needed to get new furniture and shelves. No problem.  We found things to work for that. 


And then.  What are we going to put on the walls?  It was a new space and nothing was feeling right. 


I looked through all of our art and then we bought a large mirror. 

Whew!  One wall down.  Now what?  


The opposite wall was open for a few more weeks as I went shopping with Brandon and then with friends. Nothing was right. 

I looked through what we had. Again. 

The Portfolio

And then I went through a portfolio of art that Dallin created. 


This!  This was it.  

I went through each piece and let them soak in.  The memories washed over me and it was incredible to let them. Each piece told me how happy he was that day, how much energy he had at the time, and what he was working on again and again. 


It was delightful!


Dallin drew these three in 2008 when he was seventeen years old.  


At that time, he was drawing original art for wrapping paper when family members had birthdays or it was a holiday.  He would create the art and then help wrap the gift. 

Do you see that each is made differently?  One with crayon, one with thin marker and then one with thick marker? There are different colors that are as unique as the days of the week.

I love thinking about what Dallin’s thoughts may have been.  What a grand time this was!


Oh my, the memory that comes to the front of my mind. 


Then, he would give the gift and watch with joy and love as it was opened. 

I now wonder if those who received the gifts have a memory of these as well. 


I remembered all of this, and more, as I framed these three pieces of art. 

The art is now what I get to look at as I work from home occasionally with a complete sense of gratitude that some of the originals were still in the portfolio. 


What is in front of you that brings gratitude? Could you create a sense of not only moments, but also places, of gratitude?  


See where that brings you, my friends. It may bring joy and wonder along with these joy filled art pieces. 

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  1. Melanie Thorup on August 17, 2021 at 2:59 am

    Thank you for the reminder. I needed this today ❤️

  2. Linda hayes on August 17, 2021 at 12:36 pm

    So loved Dallin’s artwork wrapping paper. Great memory. Thanks

  3. Pearl Gibson on September 7, 2021 at 5:07 pm

    This is so beautifully written, a testimony of the love you shared with your precious son.

    • Julia Pearce on September 13, 2021 at 5:33 am

      Thank you Pearl. He was a grand soul who gave us more than we could imagine! Including his art that we love to see every day

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