
Sunrise Starts


Sunrise Starts. 


This is the time of day that has become something new for me recently. 


It started like this. 


In the past, I used the pre-dawn to find moments to build strength, find calm and get ready to take on the day. 


Build strength.  Why did I need to do that?  I was active and loved to pound the pavement since I was about 13 years old.  I found my rhythm as my feet hit the ground, either barefoot or with shoes.  


And then, I needed more strength as the Tall One became more medically involved. 

That happened with weights and counts and rounds of ten early in the morning.  Strengthening my core to be there when his strength began to leave. 


To catch him when he needed someone to lean on or when his towering self could not stand any longer.  When the stairs were too many and he needed help down the flights after a medical procedure.  


The strength was there.  

Finding the Calm

Finding calm. That calm came as I studied and learned and created moments.  I read books that taught how to study a flame that will stay in the memory when my eyes are closed.  If the flame can stay in my  mind’s eye later then the clearing of my thoughts can begin. 


I can visualize that flame now.   It is right in front of me. 



There are times when the calm from this time of day has been fleeting and other times when the calm has been solid.  

The quiet in the sunrise, the golden peek of the colors brings a piece of calm. 


Can you see the colors? What is your favorite? 


Get ready to take on the day.  That has looked differently at times.   


Being still, gathering things around before racing out the door, listening to the sounds of the morning, being ready for the patter of feet coming down the hall, waiting for the movements that will not come again, wondering if the silence will be interrupted. 



There are the moments before the sunrise that pull me back to what I know.

The silence is a big part of the day.  I decided to embrace it at the start of last year as I began working from home every day. 


That is a lot of hours, everyday, without others around. 

It became deeply quiet and then I found myself listening to the calm with the strength built within me. 


Can you imagine? 


What could be built from there?  

The First Hour

I learned to allow the first hour of the day to stay quiet, listening to my inner talk, and letting my thoughts naturally go where they will. 


This is when the memories flow and sometimes the truth leaks out of my eyes.  

Thank goodness the hankies are towel sized this time of day! 


It is when I listen to sounds of the day beginning, birds chirp and leaves rustle in the trees.  Rain dropping to the ground and sometimes there is not one sound. 


Clarity that is sought and then found.  For that moment. 


Hey. I’ll take it.  One moment at a time. 


Sunrise has become a part of getting ready for the day for me.   I start this early every day. 


At times, it makes me pull over as I am on my way to work with the colors that stream across the sky. 

Seriously, how could I not? 

This. Would it make you pause? 


Other mornings bring the early start of a day even while on vacation. Sleep will come later.  That’s what naps are for, right? 


What colors and sounds make you pause, my friends?  Find and seek for them. Like a game that brings a smile to your face.  

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