
Looking Beyond

Look beyond

Looking Beyond 


The first movie we bought on VHS tape was about a little lion and his two friends which happen to be a meerkat and a warthog. These three friends are doing great, having lots of fun, and creating mottos for their lives.  Then the lion grows up and is guided along on a new adventure from a wise old monkey with a stick.  


The monkey tells the little lion at one point to look beyond the horizon to other details until he can see what he is supposed to really be looking for next. 


Get ready for the action.  Mottos are in full force at this point!


This animated movie was played over and over again in our home.  Hundreds of times.  Over the next decades. We had as much fun as the three friends in this movie. 


It was grand.  


Looking beyond the horizon to the next adventure sure sounds great in an animated movie.  

Real life

What about in real life? 


Is there a wise monkey with a stick to crack me over the head when the focus is not coming or I am not looking at the right thing? 


Is there a right thing? 


Real life.  Let’s go there.  

I have a quote on my wall that goes like this. 


Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can.  I have been looking at this for about a decade. It is attributed to Arthur Ashe.  


There are times in life when the starting is the thing.  


Begin. Oh yeah, that. 


Starting where I have been, with what I have and doing what I can.  Now, that is what can get me through that day with enough oomph to be able to look up to see that horizon.


And then, we can talk about looking beyond, shall we.  


I love this quote.  It brings hope for today and for tomorrow. 


The time it takes to look beyond the horizon is not something that comes easily for most of us, including me. 


There are layers to consider, perceptions to evaluate, and communication styles to bring in.  


Time is at a high premium as we all plan the day to fit everything in. Who will do what and when. We need to go from 0 to 60. And Now. 


What?  Have I completely forgotten the mottos?  Yes, fitting everything in does get in the way of both looking beyond what is seen and whatever the motto is!


I sure hope you are saying the motto in your head.  It is the best one ever!


Let’s picture a monkey coming in at this point and smacking me on the head.  This is what happens when I do not keep looking beyond what is seen or creating a way to keep that in my sights. 


Does it happen to you?  


That reality gets in the way and what I really want starts to slip and slide to the side.  

Even the fun starts to be missing. 


Oh no no, I don’t think so.  This will not be the reality here. 

One more go. 


Looking beyond and going for the details from the beginning.  A starting place like that is what I have added to my days. 


Pay attention to see the lovely parts of the people around me. 

Look for patterns of good along with the intense moments that wash over me.

Add moments of quiet to every day. 


Watch for the beauty in the everyday. Colors, textures, shadows, and always clouds. Oh my.

Stay connected to those most important.

Play in the middle of the storms.  A rainbow comes next. 


What is at your starting point, my friends? 

Let’s look together at what we can see on the horizon and what is beyond that. 


Dare we? How dare we not.  We can do it together. 


The adventure awaits!

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  1. Mary Jo Jo O'Neal on October 12, 2021 at 8:46 am

    Reality gets in the way for sure. Thanks for this. I love your point of view, and beyond the horizon view.

    • Julia Pearce on October 18, 2021 at 2:39 am

      Thanks Jo! I keep looking beyond that horizon. That is what I can do
      Love ya

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