
Long Roots

Long Roots

Long Roots


I went to the dentist last week and found that I needed some work done.  Not Fun. It is a good thing I learned something else when I was there. 


I learned that I have long roots and long nerves.  Now, long roots could mean that I have strong teeth.  My roots go deep into my upper and lower jaw. 

This is a good thing. 

Long nerves means that when I have dental work done, the dentist has to be mighty careful not to dig deeper than necessary or instead of a simple filling I will need a big root canal. 

Yes, I have learned to trust this dentist and what is done at the appointment.  The filling was completed and all is good.  


Now, that part about long nerves is not a good thing when hearing it from a dentist. Let’s talk about long roots. 


Is it ever a good thing to hear that you have long roots?  

Good Roots

I am here to tell you it is!  At least two times that I know about. 


Let’s talk about the good times, shall we? 


Apparently when growing roots are attached to this plant it is a good thing.


This plant is almost 9 years old. It was given to us and I have watched it grow daily during this time. 

The way that it has grown has been fascinating. 


As the leaves grow taller and bigger, it sends out external roots to balance what is growing above. 

What goes up with strength must go down with equal strength. 


Can you see the roots in the picture?  They are the long rope-like looking parts of the plant that come out and away and then down to the ground.  


The root will grow onto the ground and curl along the floor.  I have wondered if it is creating even more footing so the plant can do what it is supposed to do as it grows taller each year. 

Leaf and Root

Each time a leaf starts to grow so does a root.  


To help this plant stay strong, I have found myself talking to it, watering it yet not too much, and turning it so the sun reaches all sides of the plant throughout the years.  


I add decorations to match the season!  

This plant is loved. 


Roots also have come to mean finding strength in knowing who I am, where and who I come from.

Yes, I have long roots in that aspect as well. 


Very long roots. 

Let’s begin in this month of November with birthdays. 

Family Roots

My Grandma Mable Davenport Montague has her birthday in the first week of the month.  She was adventurous, spunky, could play cards with anyone and teach you how to win at the game, she had a twinkle in her eye, and could work harder than anyone.


This Grandma introduced me to hot chocolate and toast.  Yes, this could count as a full meal! She was tough and kind.  Taught independence and how to help others anytime there was a need. 


There were times that I would look up from playing when I was a young child and see her grin and then go about the work of the day, be that snapping beans or cleaning the house. 


Grandma loved her family, where she grew up as a girl and learned that music was part of her love for life. 


My dad, (Jeremiah Zachary) Charles Virgil Hayes.  His birthday is next in the month so let’s go here. His name has opened many conversations as he has a variety.  With extended family he goes by Jerry, with others he goes by Chuck.  


In the family he is called Papa C, Grandpa, Pops.  All of them are used by people who love to be around and hear his laughter and stories.  


He is hard working, loves to learn about new things every day, and stays close to family members. He has a long list of life time friends who talk and remember the good ol’ days.  


I have always seen him step up and help someone right away, talk about his beliefs in a kind and generous way and continue to work on his artistic skills any way possible. 

A Root Not Met

Grandpa Thornton Marion Hayes is one who I have never met and yet have a picture in my head about who he is.  As one who also went by TMhe was willing to work wherever the jobs could be found, had a smile very much like his twin sister, Thelma’s, and appeared to be one who was in the middle of the fun with kids and family around him.  


The picture of this Grandpa that pops into my head now is one of him holding my dad, sitting on a lower step of a front porch.  Grandpa is grinning while making sure that my dad, a very young baby, is staying clean and safe.  


Love is everywhere in this picture. It makes me grin and keep going with my work.


Safety, love, strong family ties. 


Smiles, learning, knowing your name.


Oh, the long roots I have.  

I could go on and on and on. 

Creating Now

There is one more comparison that I have made with long roots. 

It is that we are creating them now.  


Everyone of us is like that plant.  As we grow in a new direction with care and attention, we need to make sure our roots are set.  


How high can we grow?  


That is what dreams are for.  Dreams change and so do our lives.  


Oh wow, do our lives change?  Yes and Yes. 


If we are audacious enough to keep growing, with the changes, then imagine the roots we could create. 


I have a saying that I see everyday that has kept me going.  

Don’t quit your daydream.  


What dreams need longer roots for you?  Let’s be like this plant, send out new growth and new roots. 

Remember, there are roots around already to help us.  


Enjoy searching for yours, my friends.

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  1. Jodi on November 22, 2021 at 6:28 am

    I love this. It also gave me a memory of my dad, hot Chocolate and toast.

  2. Mom on November 22, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    Oh I really love this. And can so relate to the roots we put down ourselves to give us strength and courage. Many thanks and much love for these wise and loving words❤️

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