
Yoga and Creating Space

Yoga Frog

I began practicing yoga more than 30 years ago.  It started as a way to find balance and to do all that was needed as a new mom.  


Take care of a newborn, eat when you can, sleep in 2-hour time slots, read from at least one book when you can focus on the words in front of you, remember what you read.


Then there is the daily laundry, cook something once in a while, wash at least your hair occasionally and then do it all again and again.


My memories may be the present for others. What an extraordinary time.  


I found yoga as a way to find a space in the day to create balance, breath and time.  


The quest began at the library and then a bookstore without really knowing what to look for.  Why not start that way?  It can go any direction! 


I found a book that was titled Yoga: A 28 Day Exercise Plan. 

And away we go. 


I am the type of person that will go through a process exactly as it was placed before me, so this was perfect.  


Day one. 


Stretching.  I can do this.  I did this day by day with each day of poses building up to the next. 

 One pose became two

One pose then to become two and then a series. 


It felt like suddenly I could hold a pose and go to the next a bit easier. 

Until I came to the headstand.  

Who knew a headstand was in yoga?  


Not me.  Yet I worked on this step by step.  Breath by breath with each pose until I could balance for moments and then minutes. 


Why do this?  

As I was becoming a mom of a newborn then with a young one who was teething then to one who likes to eat bananas and graham crackers, I also needed more stamina and ways to keep up with this growing and curious boy. 


I began to find that two things I learned with yoga then have stayed with me through these years. 


First is the focus from a practice called candle concentration.  Beginning directions for this are to sit cross legged on the floor with a candle in front of me. I gaze directly at the candle for 2 minutes. 


Do you know how long this is when a baby is part of the picture? Imagine it!


After gazing for 2 minutes, I close my eyes and see the flame as I concentrate and not let my mind wander for another 2 minutes. 


Truth time.  

My mind wanders.  Often. 

I had to have as much intent in the beginning with this part of the practice as any other part of learning poses. 

Bring my mind back

What to do then?  Bring my mind back to what I wanted to do at this moment. 

Again, and again.  Imagine the flame and find the concentration. 


Did I stick with it?  You bet.  I can tell you that finding a way to keep the flame in my focus with this level of concentration and meditation has helped me find ways to stay in touch with what was needed through the years.  


Even up until now.


Then focus turned to balance.


Many poses in yoga include creating balance, including going up on the toes.  

I learned the start of this years before in a fun dance class and now it was time to refine it with practice. 


Did you know there is a space on your foot that is meant to support this level of balance?  Right between the first and second toe.  Try it. 

Did you try it? 


Focus is also a must for me with the balance poses or I topple to the side in a blink. 


Next, I learned a series called Sunrise Salutation a few years after completing the first level of yoga with poses, breathing and balance.


Balance is included with standing, warrior, mountain poses.  

Adding a tree pose with a few variations is one of my favorites. It is also fun so smile if you get the chance to try it. 

Power of balance

As I have learned the power of balance through yoga, it has come to me that balance in life does not mean doing everything at once.  


Perhaps another meaning has come in knowing what to pay attention to at a certain time. 


This part of balance with the practice over the years has taught me much. 


What do I use my energy on at this time?  


When should the next decision be made and with what group of support? 


Are there more places to look for another level of strength now? 


Focus and balance. Pieces that go hand in hand. 


This, this is all what I have learned through parts of yoga. 


I now do yoga poses during the day, along with continual Salutations. 

What an incredible time these years have brought to me. 


Can you imagine what can be done next if focus and balance are able to be maintained? 

I have found space, literally, in my body and also in my mind. 


Space to allow thoughts to wander in meditation and then to come back. I know my focus will return each time as years of practice have given me this trust.


What can you do with a space you create?  

May the moments of focus and balance come to you, my friends.

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  1. Brandon on January 19, 2022 at 9:07 pm


  2. Brandon on January 19, 2022 at 9:08 pm

    That is a good one!!

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