
Adaptable like a Chameleon

Adaptable Plant

This weekend I was in a two-day training with a great group of advocates who are learning about ways to adapt and make goals about to how help themself or a family member with disabilities. 


Part of this is about doing new things and going into new realms. Challenges in thinking and knowing what is important are a part of each training. 


As the weekend progressed, each person stepped from being a learner to the one doing the work. 


It was amazing to see each person adapt and make each assignment their own as they built confidence and skill. The questions that came next were about how to do each step as they found their own reasons of why it could be important. 


Somewhere along the way, I went from facilitator to cheerleader as the group found common goals and listened with grand intent to the others. 


Each person will now help and be a part of the next months of work together.  That is how it goes. 


One person helps you and you help the next. Look around for a need and go for it. 


Seeing this step by step brings a smile as I also feel the continual adapting happening for myself. 


I can see the next steps of becoming right around the corner.  


Is that how it goes?  

A small start

It’s like this plant that has been growing since 1946 and then again from a start that came with my dad many years after that.   


Imagine how a small start of an original plant has become this overflowing one! 


How many times has it needed to adapt?  I tried to count, and I do not have enough fingers. 

So, we start from when the plant came to our home. 


First, the plant had to be moved from a high mountain home in a bouncing car.  Grateful that the orange pot did not break, I then gently placed it in different places before finally finding that the light on one table was best. 


The plant was not happy at first.  

Who likes to be bounced around?  Apparently, not even a plant.  


Needless to say, leaves became thin and fell off.  Other leaves dried out immediately. 


Oh, Wait!  Water is needed on a schedule. This plant specifically likes 1 cup of water once a week.  

Also, remember to turn the plant so the leaves stay this beautiful green. 


That did help the plant so finally I am now back on track. 


It is a few years later and the plant is still doing well. The plant adapts to the light, temperature, water and being moved around the table. 

Life bounces along

At times it reminds me of how adaptable I need to be as life bounces along. 


I don’t like being bounced around either and yet there are times that it feels like someone else is driving as I am coming off a high mountain, where I was doing well – thank you very much. 


This leads to the need to resettle, restart and get into a groove again. 


Adapting has become something of what I now do almost as easily as a chameleon. 


A chameleon can adapt to their environment in a blink.  Wouldn’t that be delightful?

Presto chango.  I am ready for what comes. 


While I am not that quick, yet, I have been close over the years. 


If I can find a song to dance to as the need to adapt pops into my life, then even better. 


A song from Boy George called Karma Cameleon was on the radio when I was in Junior High and High School, and it is often in my background for times like this. 

Even today. 

Dancing through change

Somehow dancing through change and sudden times of learning does help the time speed along. 


Two step it and slide to right. 

I can now get a phone call, text or have someone come to my door with a request or need and pivot into what is needed. Adapt to what that person needs quickly. 


You need a presentation, speaker, drive to an appointment?  Got ya. 

How about help planning a party, event or ice cream gathering?  You betcha. 


Did you say the little kids need something to do?  We would love to help. 


Each of these things are truly what life has taught in how to adapt and show up with joy and love for others. 


Now for the side tale of what being adaptable has taught.  


At the beginning of this is the training about building confidence and skill.

As others taught this to me over many years, I will share how being adaptable does not mean overriding other needs. 

A mantra

Do what you can, when you can. 

This simple yet powerful mantra has brought me through times that were beyond tough.  


Days when I could do one thing partially well for one person.  

I counted that as adapting and doing. 


Knowing that my feet are firmly planted also is how I am able to respond well when needed.  


Are there times when I prioritize what is on the to-do list? 


Good golly yes. One. Thing. At. A. Time. If needed. 


Are there times when I let a few things go so that my base is strong?


You better believe it, sweetness. 


My base in in our home.  Always has been.  Truly, always will be.  

Like this plant, I am grateful for a knowing which leaves to hold onto. 


I also make sure I add water and sunshine to help new things grow all around me.  


Can both happen?  Adapt and have solid feet in place?


I tell you, I am looking for them with hope.

Have for a very long time.  And will for even more time that is ahead. 


May you find bits of both, my friends. 

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