
My Muse

My Muse

My Muse

This word, muse, has popped up a few times in my life. 


In the animated movie, Hercules, the muses help tell the story with humor and music when the narrator is getting a bit boring. 

Let’s keep things lively and focused, shall we? 


There is always time to dance while telling a bit of mythology.  The muses in this version help jazz up the story. 


It was certainly time to stand up and blast around the room in our house when the music started.


Link arms and twirl about. Grin and laugh. 

Whew! Best part of the movie every time. 


The other time this topic of a muse came into the picture was when I was in training with a national speaker.  

We brought together a large group of educators, therapists and school administrators to learn more about what we all do.  


Assistive technology is a common ground we start with in this group.  The speaker was bringing new information to us. 


I was ready to support this group as one of the organizers. 

Chairs, tables, pads of paper ready?  Check. 


Everyone at the training was into their learning mode.


The scene was set.  


This time a new twist was presented with these questions.  

Who is your muse?

Who is your muse?  

Think about the students you work with, the individuals you have known. 


Why do you do this work?  


Who is your why?  Your muse? 


I sat in my chair and suddenly found myself a part of the discussion. Began listing in my head those who I had worked with in my work.  


Have you done that?  

I was supposed to be making sure that others understood the questions, the assignments, supporting and now I was teetering on the edge of becoming a part of the training. 




There it is. 


I sat for one moment to write a quiet note on the paper. 

One name. 




He is my muse. 


It was then that I realized that I needed to listen to the instruction again, be the support to the speaker and engage with the group around me.  


Don’t be diverted at this moment.  


That is a quote from another animated movie about a muse. 

Well, actually, amusing. Not to be diverting. 


Let’s stay here with my muse. 


As I sat with this thought later, I realized that Dallin is my why in the work and many of the things I get to do now. 


A muse, as the presenter that day and my additional learning taught, is someone that has such an influence on a person that they become the focus of their work. 


What a joy to have a muse.  


Now, have I worked with other people that give me reasons to do what I do?  


Absolutely. That list of people is long. I know them and I love learning with them.


They continue to teach and keep me stretching to be at the top of my capacity. 


I also know that Dallin taught me how to stick with it when others thought there was nothing more that could be taught, including about assistive technology.  


When what is seen in a file does not match the tenacity and desire of a person right in front of you. Keep looking and going for it. 

What my muse taught

That is what my muse taught. 

You keep going. Don’t stop.  


Dallin taught and, oh my land, he had people who listened to all of his ways of communicating. 

I wonder if he was a muse for others.  


Things that make me go hmmm.


I now get to be that for others.  

Keep going. Stick with it. 


Remember what I have learned. 


This Tall One, Dallin, is my muse.  He gives me a why in my work. 

A why in life, at times. 


The drive to continue.  To ask the questions so one more way to consider with a person can be accomplished.

More truth

Here is one more truth. 

This is not easy – not now. 


I would like to step to the side and have someone else do this at times.  


I could then do a bit of a two-step in a large circle around this space with the muses from Hercules singing in the background to go with the memories. 


If only for a moment. 


What I also want to do is take a long breath out and savor the dancing, the laughing and the time spent learning with my muse.  Our muse. 


Can I take that breath? Yes, and in time, do something. 


I can feel the yearning well within.  What is that something? Share what I learned from one who kept at his learning.  


The other answer is that there is one more thing I can do. Savor it all. 


And I am holding on gently to my muse. The grand marvelous influence that now gives me a why. 




There it is. I am melting with eyes leaking for the pureness of this day. 


Take a breath with me as I ask this question. Who is your muse?  One who has such an influence on you that helps you find your why in the work you do? 


Yes, we all have work to do.  Find a bit of joy in yours, my friends, and your muse will come.  


Then dance with a twirl and laugh around the room.

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  1. Mary Jo ONeal on February 22, 2022 at 5:25 pm

    Well, nicely written or said, we write what we speak in our heads. I felt joy seeing Dallin’s name in print frequently in this piece.
    My muses, 2 that pop into my thoughts quickly. A loving woman from my childhood, Ila Rindlisbacher and Greg whose learning difficulties prompted me to teach. Thank you.

    • Julia Pearce on February 28, 2022 at 7:13 am

      Thank you! I love that you have more than one muse that comes to you!
      with love, Julia

  2. SHARON NEILSON on February 22, 2022 at 7:48 pm

    Andrew!!! thats it my muse!

    • Julia Pearce on February 28, 2022 at 7:14 am

      Yes! He is awesome!
      Thank you, Sharon

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