
Flock of Birds

Flock of Birds

This full flock of birds seems like a lovely way to say welcome back from spring break on this first day of Spring! 


I found these colorful birds that were created by young children in a rural part of our state. 


I saw it as I was working in a school and came around the corner. 


Walking past it I then paused, looked back and then went back. 


Hey, what is this? 

The person I was with smiled as I stood there. 


Do you see how many little birds, all the same size and yet different from one another, were packed onto this bulletin board to make it a full display?


Take a moment and let the colors and words sweep over you. 

What Stands Out?

What stands out to you? 


As I stood in front of the birds, it was the colors that popped out to me first. 


Some had broad strokes of deep colors then others had light and bright shapes included in the bird outline. 


Then it was what I read that began to come into my awareness. 


How did it work for you?


Here is what I also see, even now. 


Look at how full the board is!  There is barely space in between for another bird.  And yet, perhaps if one or two or three adjustments were made then room can be made to include another creation. 


Life is like that for me as I consider the word full. 


What does this word mean anyhow? 

Yes, it can be like this flock of birds with hardly any room for another little thing.


Until we make adjustments. 


What else? 


This week brought new understanding in these ways. 


Full can also mean how busy a person is on their schedule. 

My Heart and Soul

And then I began to think about this. 

When my heart and soul is feeling many things at one time, it is full. 


Let me give you more information, if I may. 

This week reminded me of a few more things as I was around family on early spring days.


Days that were filled with moments of both full schedules and feelings. 


First, came a moment with lovely members in my family who I have been around all my life.  They are ones who let me pop into their home at a moment’s notice and then chatter about many things. 


At times, we sound like birds chirping and laughing together! 


My heart is full when I sit on their couch, smile with memories, and even get out a hanky as we share and talk together. 


I love this kind of being full! 


The second understanding also came this week with more family and a different set of full feelings. 


As I prepared for this time the thoughts of what was to come came in full waves.  I then gave and received hugs, sat with others, listened and watched as family and friends also perhaps felt full of their own feelings. 


The small and big things I began to notice pull me back to this flock of birds with the colors and words. 

Young Children

Young children seem to show their full range of thoughts and feelings quickly. 


On this day with family the young children gave an example of fullness in every sense.


Open love for those near was shown with bright eyes and hope at every hop of the step. 


Willingness to say hello and then a sudden shy moment followed by a quick joining of sitting near others in their age range as they watched, hugged and began to understand their own feelings. 


Then I had a moment to watch and listen as the light touch of feet in a long hallway brought smiles of more gathering with others they knew.  


They were full of all that was going on around them, listened as well as they could and yet wanted to always feel the love that flowed with such grandness that they could not contain themselves.  


These young ones were like a flock of birds waiting to take flight, wanting to be near and also seeking the colors and words they may not have within them yet. 


My heart and soul were, and is, full.  


I mentioned the joy of their running to another there this day and the lovely moment it brought. She smiled and said she wished she could take a lap with them. 


Here is the truth. 

So did I actually!


Now, we come to the words of these birds.  

The incredible statements still make my mind pause. 


Do we connect with our own colors and powerful statements as our lives become as full as this collection of birds? 


Look again at three of these words to begin. 

What stands out to you now? 


Seeing a new word each time I take time to pause, look and let the words of children come to me helps me connect to the reminders all around me. 


What is in your world to help you connect to the power around you? 


May you find moments to pause, listen, sit by others and let your words come, my friends.

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