
Infused with Light and a Rainbow

Infused with Light

It is the beginning of a new season with longer days and more light coming bit by bit. 


Do you feel light coming? 

Even with the rainstorms that bring new growth to flowers and trees and other blooming things.


Light comes into every part of the world we live in.  

Outside and inside.


The north lawn is where I can watch the sunrise coming over the mountain peaks from a row of chairs perfectly nestled under a canopy of trees. 


This is the cooler side of the yard and where most are drawn in the early evening hours. 


The south yard is wide open for the sun to find even more space to bring in its light.  


There are a few pines placed along these edges and a path throughout to get to a bouncy fun area. 

This is where the heat of the day gathers and where a few folks still go.  


Okay. I am the one person that goes here to feel the lovely sunlight and heat into my bones. 

 Light in the House

Even the house we live in has light in every corner. It’s actually part of what I noticed first ten years ago when first looking through it. 


Is that what you look for in a house? Where are the windows? Will the light come streaming in here or here? 


There are windows on all sides in this house.

Yes!  Bring in the light!


I will tell you the light comes in from everywhere in our home. 

It’s as if it is infused with light. 


Can you picture this in your mind?  


Let me describe what happens as the day begins this time of year. 


The sunrise comes in a high window on the east side.

This creates full light that goes over the stairs then bounces into the opposite side of the house.  


It’s as if a prism is created every day as more sunlight is welcomed into our home. 


M’hm. Come on in. 

A Rainbow

Once in a while a rainbow is seen inside with light bouncing from here to there and back again. 


Catch one if you can.  


There is a connection with all this light being caught. 


Wait!  Can you even do that? Catch the light?


There is a song sung about this catching of light. 


Perhaps you have heard of it.  


It is the Rainbow Connection by Jim Henson. My favorite version, of course, is sung by Kermit the Frog. 


There is a line or two that is like running up and down the mountains I love to watch at sunrise. 

A bit of staccato that brings the visual of climbing up then sliding down again with joy and memories of days gone by. 

Infused with Light

As with all rainbows, they are infused with light. 


So very much light. 

Can there be too much light? 


Our house taught me that when I look at how much brightness can be seen, I began to consider this truth about having full light around all the time. 


Sometimes I remember that there is a reason we also installed window treatments to block out the brightness that fell into the house from all sides. 


I remember this as the season changes right in front of me.  Right now. 


At times, we closed all the windows in this house to let the calm and the shade and cool be felt by our family. 



For Our Son

The family member that we came to this house for is our son. He is the reason we wanted to find all the light in our home and also how we found ways to bring calm.  


That is also felt at this time of year. 


Can we have both?  I do think it is possible.  The light and the shade.  


Outside and inside. 


Brightness during the day at times along with the cool of evening. 


Do you have times where one flows into the next?  When you are in one time or season and then find that it is time for the next season?  


That is the life I live.  

Perhaps that is the pure definition of life.  


Having both when you want it and even more so, when you are not exactly wanting it. 


That is when I have learned over many years, to allow the shimmer with the sun, the light and so much more. 


The next season comes.  Light is infused and then once in a while a rainbow comes to hold the gaze.  


Can you allow the full light streaming into your world to catch a glimpse of a rainbow connecting you to what is coming next?  


May you pause at that moment, my friends.


And then, remember to step into the shade when you need to with love and hope for your next season.

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