

Restart with Wendy's and Mushu

Have you been in this place? 

Sitting down ready to get to work and then the words are gone?  Outta here? 


The fuel and the lineup are ready to go.  Sequence and a short memory outlined. It is time to write.

Then it is gone?  

No?  Me either! 


And then it happened! 


Last week.  I worked to write for a few days and then realized that the thoughts of what was planned, well, was not meant to be. 


Now what?  


Thinking time became the name of the game this week. Who else uses thinking time to get going again?  Yes! A pooh bear who likes honey any time to calm his rumbly tumbly. 

Thinking works for a bear

Doing a restart is part of creating flow for me so being able to begin again is doable. If thinking works for a pooh bear then let’s begin.


I then stepped into my work space and not being able to write began to happen there. 


M’hm. Now it gets interesting. 


I write all the time.   Reports, emails, responses to questions in the chat when I am the back up on a training. 


During all of this time, all of my writing was halting. 


Emails took three or four edits instead of what I could usually do quickly and efficiently.


Reports?  Those have been slow to make sure that all parts of what needs to be included are there for others to understand what is needed. 

Another level

Part way through the week I realized that another level of restart was needed. 


Y’all. Spring is here and seasons bring cabin fever with the need to create a new rhythm. 

Rhythm means music to me and that brought new clarity. 


Here is where I found my restart. 

Whoosh! Finally. 


I found myself going through motions of getting through a day, listening to the fan in my office and the click of my nails on the desk. 


Waaayyy to quiet. 


A sudden urge to get up and move made me grab my bag and water bottle to step out for a lunch break.

What in the world? 


I do not take breaks away from the building. 


Ding, ding, ding. Alert number one. 


Get out! So I drove with the music rattling the windows in my car.  

Deep breathing filling my lungs and the restart began. 


I have no memory of the song and yet the smile on my face right now tells me it was lovely. 



Turned the corner and grinned

To find something to feed the soul and the body is a bonus so the quest was on! I turned the corner with this in mind and grinned. 


Joy swept across my face as a big red firetruck rolled alongside.  Apparently, I was headed to Wendy’s to get yummy feel good food and lemonade.  


Thanks for the prompt from our Tall One, who is usually part of the restart of my soul. 


The final two step of this restart came as I sat down. 

Yes, back at my desk with the fan and the tapping fingers.  


Only now, the fingers had a new rhythm of drumming songs and a remembered smile. 


It was then that I took the picture to send to the one who can smooth the breath with me.  There is always one who does this – with me. 

Breathe in and out together

That Brandon.  We breathe in and out together.  

He saw what was in this picture. It brings a grin to both of us.


Do you see that grinning figure behind the lemonade?  It is a koosh ball Mushu figure from the Disney movie Mulan. 


Oh my!  What a jammin’ perfect exclamation mark to the restart of the day. 


You bet I can now get back into the two step of life in the spring time. 

Mushu and jumping into life, again and again. 


Sweet moments are made of the little things during weeks like this.


What comes next? Perhaps it will be this flow for a bit. 

What gratitude I feel for this moment. 


The words came back so there is hope right around this rumbly good food filled belly. 


I do know that the words may pause again. When they do, I will pause with them. Allow myself to think as I know they will return. 


They always have. 


May your words come to you, my friends. Speak them, or write them, to those who are in your two step realm. 


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  1. Terah Fullmer on April 26, 2022 at 12:57 pm

    This! This was inspiring and thought provoking. Beautiful written. Thank you for sharing and inspiring all of us to keep restarting.

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