
Addicted to Love

Dallin's handprint

A new time with an old tale to tell. 

There is something familiar to what I know about this time of year.

It’s as if my vision is clear and focused on what is right in front of me. 


My eyes are drawn to a set of handprints on the wall in a green room in our home. They are from many years ago when our son was about five years old.  


Can you think back to when you were this age?  What was important to you then? 


I liked being with friends, playing in the dirt, finding time to read a book with an aunt when she came to visit and learning how to color. 


For our son, this age meant going to school on a big school bus, getting a new backpack, learning how to use sign language and other ways to communicate, and being with different kids and teachers in a class. 


There was fun music around. Must be a family trait that we love a good dance beat!

Our Son was Teaching

This age also meant our son was teaching us what love truly means. 




Let’s get into this. 


This word is loaded to the gills with layers.  The things I do, have done, and will do for love are numberless.


I trust others because of love. Lean into new experiences and show up when my legs tremble with unknown outcomes because of this word. 

There are times when I feel like I can do anything necessary for the person in front of me because of the love pulling me towards a goal.


It is as if I am drawn to the word, and I am addicted to it.  Whoa! What is the power here? 


What in the world? Love having this power seems mighty.

Let’s suppose we are looking at this like a parfait and go to the next layer. 


There is a song that pops into my mind right this minute that fits well here.  

Addicted to Love

Addicted to Love by Robert Plant. 




Even the dance in the video gives a rhythm that I can flow into at a moment’s notice. Take a look and you will find why my feet are finding a sidestep with spaces of pause as I write. 

There are times over these years that did try to fight this pull of love with others outside of our son, and our home.  


Doing this love thing for him was mac & cheese easy peasy. 


I will still do anything that relates to telling his story and sharing his experience. 


What about others? 


Might as well face it that I do love the things I do, the people I get to be around and the things I am able to do with life.


Always have, and with hope, always will.


It took time to realize this next piece. 

Hold onto your seatbelts

Hold onto your seatbelts, my friends.  


Love is not always reciprocated. 

Whoosh.  Reality. Slam. 


In fact, at times, others may decide that what I have to give is not their cup of tea, thanks all the same. 

Truly, they already have. 


What then?  Is the love I have not legit? 


That is the recent question. 


Two answers have come. 

Love it legit

First answer.  No, love is legit. 


It is part of how I choose to live, how I have been becoming. 


First, through our son.  He taught love with open arms to everyone.  All day, every day to anyone who gave him a chance.


The answer is written in how I live. An answer I am looking to create day by day as I look for ways I can continue to hold onto what decades of life with a grand soul taught us. 


Second answer.  I have been asked what I believe over the years and recently by a family member.  The answer always comes back to love. 


L O V E. 


I am addicted to it and believe in it. The power of it. It is my base. 


So, now what? 


Being around others, including the amazing awe inspiring Brandon who will look deeply into life with me, feeds a longing to be with others who want to delve deeper in this. 


What do I do about this? 

Create a bigger space

I will continue to create a bigger space for love to belong.

There are many ways this can look. Here are a couple as I begin.

This past week I found places to be with others.  Then went to work to look for more spaces that can include like-minded folk who are interested in creating together.  


Yes, it does include music and reading. 


Love still has a place.


One more bit more truth. 


Will my love be accepted as the tea of choice by all I meet?

Chances are the answer will be no.  Some will not like my tea with lemon and honey. 


I am learning that it is for me to send out the love and let others accept it as they can. 


Send out the love you have, my friends.  I send mine to you with a grateful heart for all who taught me how to bring it to you.

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