

Bouquet of Flowers

There have been many times in my life when I have received beautiful bouquets of flowers.  


Big arrangements with bold colors. 


Small ones with a few coordinating blooms that bring a pop of joy to their room. 


Being greeted by a trio of pink, purple and yellow after a trip is a sure way to bring a smile to my face.  


While the precedent was set by Brandon more than three decades ago, Dallin soon joined and would grin when flowers were a part of the day. 


Perhaps that is the reason this bouquet has great meaning. He took great care putting the final touches on creating this as a gift years ago. 

Fingertip prints

There are fingertip prints where he pushed in the red flowers and where he was holding onto the outside paper as he placed his name. 


As Dallin worked on a project, he concentrated with all his might to get his hands to do what he wanted them to do.  


How do I know this?  There is actually a picture of Dallin making this bouquet!  

I know!  

Can you even imagine the great happenstance? 


It makes me pause with gratitude that others were lucky with their picture taking, too!


In the picture, Dallin is placing the final red flowers into place with exactness and purpose.  


He knew what he wanted and went for it.  Signed it and then gave it with a little boy grin. 




Do we take as much care with the things we create? Do I? 

Pausing to make sure that what is chosen, put in place and given is exactly the right thing for the person we are thinking about. 


I reflect on this every time I see this bouquet. 


Actually, each time I see the care that others take when creating, giving, bringing joy to others, and taking time to go for it I pause and cheer for them in my soul. 


People are doing this everywhere!  

Y’all.  It is a marvelous thing to observe the greatness in others. 


The bouquets are all around us. 


At times, they are tall and grand. Other times they are short and sweet.  Every time, they bring a smile. 


They are being created with purpose and joy. 





Right here and right now. 


Find your big arrangements, your small trios and even your single flowers. 


My friends, the colors are here.  Let’s gather them with purpose. 



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