
Summer Day Trips #46

Three green bowls

I found the joy of taking a day trip many years ago. 


It happened after a yearly weekend getaway with a few friends. 


We planned for the quick three-day jaunts weeks in advance so when the day came to loading up the cars, we were ready.


Off we went with music, laughter and more good food that would ever be eaten. 


One year, a weekend trip took us to a small town over a northern border and through some woods.  


This trip included sitting by the lake, eating pizza at the local checkered table restaurant and walking up the Main Street looking for treasures. 


I like to find those little things that grab my attention and then pull me in for a closer look.


Luckily, this Main Street walk brought much to my attention, including these bowls. 

A good bowl

Now, I do love a good bowl that fits nicely in my hand. 


One that will hold soup, cereal or maybe ice cream.

This set of bowls could do all of that. 

Now it was time to make the decision.  


To buy or not to buy. 


I did a quick check for balance in my hands. 

Yep, feels about right. 


How about the color?  Will this work in the scheme of things? 


Second yes, that’ll do. 


Sweet.  I bought three of these bowls and went along with the weekend. 

We had a great time swimming, reading and baking tons o’ goodies. 


And then, I went home. 


Buyer’s remorse kicked in. 

Bugger.  There were more bowls I could have added to these. 


Do you ever do that?  Wish upon that star that you had bought more than you did of That Thing? 

Now, what to do about it? 


There was one thing I decided to do. 

Go Back

Go back! Get the rest of the bowls to complete the set. 

Ha! Yes, that was the decision right on the spot. 


Okay. Truth is I thought about it for about a week and then decided to go back. 

Now, who to go back with.


Our son, Dallin, was a young teenager at the time and was up for adventure. 


Well, if the timing was right, he knew what was coming for the day and he could also make some of the decisions along the way. 


Teenagers.  What are you going to do?  Bring them along for the fun, that’s what! 


Plans were made with a schedule to drive back to the border. 


Along the way, we stopped for lunch at a favorite place known for nuggets, fries and potatoes. 


Dallin got the nuggets and I got the potato. We shared the fries!

Spontaneous side shopping

This day trip spontaneously included some side shopping into one of the best stores ever.  That is, according to our son. 


We roamed up and down the aisles searching for one specific item with many names.  

You bet we found the vacuums and took time to explore each one.


Now that the lunch and the side trip was in the bag, we were off again!


Around another mountain and finally we got to the store we were headed to in the first place. 


Can I tell you that at this point I really do remember hoping that the rest of the bowls were actually there! 


Picture it with me.  A few hours of traipsing around a mountain and no bowls. 


Yet.  They were there.  I took a big breath not realizing that I had been holding it before then. 

We swooped up the rest of the beauties and paid for them with grins on our faces. 



Our son was as excited to help pay and bag these little bowls because he knew what we were doing, why all the driving had happened and loved to be in loop for the day. 


It also meant we were on the way home.  


Smiles, good music and car rides

A good day of surprises where both of us were part of the planning and additions. 

Smiles, good music and relaxing car rides.


Since that time, other day trips have happened to see family on different mountains. 


That led to another summer of visiting stores within a day’s ride to check out all kinds of that most loved household item.  The vacuum. 


There were years of planning and getting lunch for other times of visiting family and friends. 


Time when a trip went up the mountain and into a boat. 

Fast boats.  Big, small or long boats.  Fishing and bouncing boats.  All of these came as the day trips would expand with new possibilities. 


Dallin and I.  Two of us on the road again.  We couldn’t wait. 


Day trips became one of the best ways to pop in and out of adventures.  


Quick.  Happy, with good music.  

Relaxing car ride

Always with a relaxing car ride. 


I am continually amazed at the way this one trip to get small green bowls grew. 


Became something bigger, yet more precise in its imagining than I could have thought possible at the start. 


You may ask if the day trips have continued. 


By golly, yes.  


Now, we take trips up different mountains. Climb and gaze into far reaching peaks. 

Skip rocks into lakes at sunrise.


Still eat nuggets and potatoes.  


Reach into the future as we remember every moment of day trips from our memories. 


What are things you can do to add to your adventures?  To bring on happiness?  


Perhaps it will be a quick day trip with good music. 

May your car ride be relaxing and bring something spontaneous, my friends. 


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  1. PaPa C on June 20, 2022 at 6:17 pm

    Dear Julia what a wonderful post. you have a gift for expressing yourself and I’m glad you share your thoughts and feelings. Keep being you. Oh how you make me and mom always happy.🙏👍👍❤️

    • Julia Pearce on June 21, 2022 at 2:07 am

      Thanks! Writing is good fun!
      love ya

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