
Restart and refocus #53

Restart and refocus

Let’s start by talking about what is done to get through a new week.  Do you have routines that help you roll through these beginnings?


Part of what we do is to start again while creating strength together.  This time is when we talk about how the previous days looked and felt for us. 


It is when we restart and refocus our plans for the coming days. 


What is there to do with our work, family, friends. Life.

Did we pause enough to gather what we needed?


There is the perfect quote from Arthur Ashe to go with this. 

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.


Simple to say and a bit trickier to do at times. 

The magic

I have found that starting is the magic and then next steps will come. Restarting is sweet and allows for the magic to continue. 


The reminder to start where I am has helped keep my feet in place as changes have popped up.

I have loads of things to do and get to in life. 


There may have been part of that load carried forward from the days before. 


Starting where I am brings me to the present day.

To me, that is the start and restart that happens time and time again. 


Then to be able to focus on what you have, what I have, means that there is always a way to work on that starting with the things I have now. 


Are there times that it would be awesome sauce to have new gadgets or doodads to begin?  


Sure, and yet when I take a step back, I can usually find the things I need right in front of me. 

The final part

Now, to the final part of this. Do what you can. 

This brings me to a full stop some days. 


Do what I can.  What is that? Does it include actually getting to work on something? 



The reason it brings me to a stop and feel the need to restart is that I find that there are days when this needs to have extra emphasis. 


I also know that I am able to do more than I could ever imagine in this part so let’s get to it!  


It is the doing, y’all.


Sometimes I do what I can, and it feels like I am barely scraping along. Other times this can feel like I am sizzling with purpose and could take on anything.


Oh yeah. Then there is this to keep in mind.

I have been able to do this part for others one thousand times more than I do it for myself. 


What in the world? 


Do you ever feel like this? 


Sure, I can start, use what I have and do what I can every time for someone else. 


Isn’t that part of the fun?

What about the goals I have?


I then questioned myself about this response to do more for others. What if I did it for the lists that I have?  


Imagining would then lead to reality with goals met. 


The restarting is the part that I know as I work towards this. 


It goes with the weekly restart that we have in place. 

Restarting includes many ways to keep on keeping on.


At times, it is a place we go to each week where there is a large rock I can touch as part of what is used to remind me to restart and refocus. 

This rock

You can tell by the view that it is this rock. Where I can find places for my hand to naturally settle. 


It seems like there is a place on this rock that fits like a glove.

My fingers rest on this rock for a few moments.  I can feel the warmth from the sun on this rock along with the rough patches.


All of it combines to bring me focus as soon as I touch it. 

There are days that this is the moment that I can start where I am, use what I have and do what I can. 


My mind is focused.

Breathe.  Feel the warmth.  Start and restart as many times as needed. 


What do you have in routine or place to help you restart and refocus? 


Share it with someone who could use the support and let’s see if the magic continues for us all.

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  1. Margene Morris on August 15, 2022 at 4:11 pm

    It feels like you are in my head sometimes. I don’t have a rock, but our house has a theme. “Dancin’ in the Rain”. It is from a quote on my wall that I believe you gave me. It helps me remember, not just endure the storm but learn to dance in it….find the joy. You are in so many of the good things, the inspirations that make my life just a bit easier and more enjoyable. Thank You!

    • Julia Pearce on August 23, 2022 at 1:19 am

      Yes, you and I are still dancing and restarting, my friend! Let’s keep finding the joy!

  2. Sunni on August 22, 2022 at 4:43 am

    Aww! As I lay in bed sick with another terrible cold on a Sunday nlght. Yes, re-start is so very important. Thank you

    • Julia Pearce on August 23, 2022 at 1:21 am

      Sometimes the restart comes bits at at time, like a Sunday night recovery, my friend! thank you ~

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