
Year of the fox #54

Year of the fox

Ladies and gentlemen, I forgot my introduction!


To what, you ask?  To this entire year, my friends.  There is still time as we are only in August.


Let’s get to it then.


Each year is given a name with an animal in our family. Truth be told, this started many ages ago when I started to think about how the year was acting like a wee little animal. 


And from then I began naming the years. 


What was that first animal?  


I do believe it was a llama. 


No drama llama.  No prabllama. Take each day as it comes with only occasional surprises. 


Yes, my sister did find a shirt that had these sayings that we both wore for ions.  


I still wear mine under blazers at work when I feel the need to smile all day long. 


Other years have been the year of the sloth where I was slow and steady as I worked on my goal with a smile on my face while taking time to look around all the time. 

Followed every trail

Then there was the year of the rabbit where I followed every trail and side wander to see what there was to see. 

Sure, let’s go here and there and everywhere while eventually building what needs to be done for myself and others. 


Last year was the year of the buffalo when I put down my head and met oodles of storms that brought new adventures and muscles. 


It is the year Brandon joined the year of the animals. 


Who knew that storms made you stronger?

Perfect timing for both of us as we did find more strength than we ever could have thought possible.


And then it was time for this year. 


Can you guess what animal came to me from the picture? 

That’s right!


The year of the fox. 

The fox came

After years of taking it as the day comes, going down trails that were not planned, and stepping into storms the fox came to us. 


What does the fox say? 


To me, and to us, it says to use our smarts and ability in thinking instead of strength in what needs to be done. 


In some folklore around the world the fox is also about transforming from one thing to another. 


There are many ways to look at foxes. 


Here is how we are thinking about our year of the fox. 


Use the information and experiences from the past to move into what comes next. 

The storms and the trails from before having brought us to this point for a reason. 


Pause, and look around. 


What are we, am I, supposed to do now?  


Is there a way to continue with what I have become up until now?

Learn and transform

There may be more for me to learn and transform into next. 


Wait. Think about next steps. Be brave. 


Are you ready for the jump? 


That takes using the old noggin and not only muscles that have come from pushing through. 



What does the fox think? 


Perhaps a bit like this. 


The fox uses its wits and smarts to win, outguess and keep going. 


Stay ahead of the game and to keep going as the next resting point and restart is seen right around that corner.


I am going to need to learn a bit more so I can keep my wits about me and continue having some smarts as the years keep rolling along. 


This can be done in this year of the fox.  


Do you have a picture of a fox in your mind?


Of course, I do, along with lovely memories of foxes from childhood stories. 


I do believe that the stories all turn out well for the fox. 


What do you have in mind for this furry animal? 


Does it include this picture of a soft tilt of the head, curious open eyes, slight open grin and bright bushy tail slightly tipped with red and white? 


Well, that could be what comes to mind only for me. 


In any case, the year of the fox is here for all of us. 


Let’s use our minds while we give the brute strength a rest.


Or why yes, we can use both. 


You see, it is your call, my friends. 

You do the introductions for your year! 


Let’s see what the fox says and keep going with who we are to become next. 

I am here to see what happens with you.

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