
Hot Hot Hot #55

Hot day with clouds

All good things come to an end and this time of year is no exception. 


One of the local meteorologists mentioned that there are only four weeks until autumn starts. 

Then the end to this incredible heat is over. 


I am one of the lucky few who enjoy the temperature when it goes over the century mark on the thermostat.


Now, I have been told that this is not the common thought so I will share a couple of truths with you. 


Hold onto your sun shielding hat!


While others are more than happy that cooler times are right around the corner, I start to get warm when the temperature gets to 90 degrees. 

10 degrees warmer

When it gets 10 degrees warmer, I can take off my jacket. 


This year, my friends, the part of the country where I live have had over 25 days over the century mark. 


Oh, my happy heart. 


Tonight’s forecast tells me that there are four of these beautiful days in a row coming this week. 


The smile on my face can only get bigger. 


I know! 

Another level of disbelief for so many of you. 


Now that the conversation has started let’s get into the deeper pieces of this. 


When the end of summer heat comes, I also notice that the angle of the sun is more intense. 


Almost in a way that seems to help everything soak the strength of that great source of power to pull it in and hold onto it for the coming months of less time in the light. 


How can this be, you ask? The sun is no longer directly overhead. It is now tilting as the earth goes into this next season. 


And yet, there is that intensity all the same. 

Pulling in energy

Are there times when you have noticed things around you are also pulling in energy for their next time of life and being? 


It could be a plant in the garden preparing for the coming long cold season. 

Trees are almost ready to drop their leaves after popping into brilliant colors. 


At times, someone you know may feel they are preparing for a new experience or time of life. 


Is there a family member ready to start school in a new city? Maybe it is young children going into a new school and meeting new friends. Incredible times to pull in energy for the next time of life.


Then there are times when the clouds in the sky are even building up with the hot days. They may look like these fluffy white mounds against the bright blue sky waiting for lightning to strike.


I can almost feel the clouds pulling in more moisture as they become bigger. Stacks across the sky with energy coming from all sides. 


When was the last time you saw this happen near you? 


Did it go along with the heat of the day? 


I can go back in time and remember that clouds would build up almost every afternoon when I was younger. 

We would watch for the rain to pour down and then run outside to jump in the puddles. 

Relieve from the heat

Oh, how we loved the relief from the heat of the day. 


Getting drenched was part of the fun. Having our hair stick to the back of our head as the rain dripped and rippled along our neck was the best. 


Then we would always look up and try to catch that one raindrop on our tongue. Many times, it turned into drop after drop with smiles all around. 


Can you feel the outstretched arms as the final joyful dance would happen? 



Let’s keep this going.


These days also remind me of toe tapping songs like the one from The Cure titled Hot Hot Hot. 


Exactly spot on, wouldn’t you say? 


Yes, there are lines that talk about storms with rain and lightning. 

You better believe I have been singing this all week!


Doo do do doot do doot do do bop bop bop.


Perhaps remembering your rhythm as the final days of heat are here will bring days of energy to you. 


What else does this time of year bring? 


There is one more thing. 


Do you remember that the earth is tilting this time of year? 


At times the tilt may come with a twitch with changes coming in from all sides, like the clouds getting ready for the afternoon storm. 


A few years ago, tilt and twitch became one word for me.  It is the made-up word of twilt. 


You will not find this in any dictionary so let me give you the meaning. 

To twilt

To twilt is to tilt and twitch at the same time. 

That was easy.


Perhaps when a change has made you a bit off balance, as in the changes happening all around at times that are not your preference and yet continue to be there. 


Moving to a new school or starting that new job. 


Helping young children find new friends in a new school. Yes, this one goes with the things listed before. 


So many changes can go here. 


What about the twitch part of twilt?  


A-ha.  This is a long list and perhaps the most individualized part! 

Think about those things that make you pause, become uncomfortable with or we may want to avoid. 


Twilting is a part of my weekly life. 


It can also become part of the adventure and may be that piece that brings the energy needed to go do what is coming next. 


My friends. Enjoy the hot days and find what brings you energy. 


Jump in the stormy puddles, look up and smile with what can come next.


Yes, even if it makes you twilt.

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  1. Margene Morris on August 29, 2022 at 3:24 pm

    Love it! Thank you!

  2. Susan Bradshaw on August 29, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    I love Twilt, that is me most of the time! And I like the cooler weather! Too HOT! HOT! for me over 80! I think it is easier to get warm then to get cool, unless you have a pool in the summer! I do enjoy the clouds and their formations but never noticed the change with the heat! I love the change in the seasons but I don’t like change in my life!!! Kinda strange I know! But change comes with each year and that can bless us. Thanks for sharing this blog! Love you and hugs to you both!

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