
Where’s My Super Suit

Superpower Suit

There is a line from a movie that we quote often in our house.

 It has to do with a super suit. 


You may know it as soon as you see it, so I will describe the scene first. 


There is chaos outside the large window. A robot then a small helicopter rolls by the window as the man is getting ready for the night. 


Suddenly, the man is running into another room looking in a closet for a suit. 


A helicopter is whirling in the sky and seems to be out of control. How do we know this? 

Smoke is spiraling out of the large flying machine. 


Oh that. Yes, that could be a problem. 


Why is the suit not in the place outlined for it in the secret place? 

He yells to someone.


Here goes the giveaway line. 




Where’s my super suit? 


He gathers speed looking in other places in the house as he continues to ask his wife for the suite.  Yes, the super suit.


Does he find it? 


Yes indeed and we find out that this man is a superhero, here to save the day. 



And all that jazz hand stuff. 

Golf clap. Cheers!


Why have we watched this scene and movie in our home?  

Well, it’s animation, so that’s an awesome first answer. 


Next is that we seem to be drawn to the chaos 


Chaos rules! 

It does usually come at the exact moment that the party or the plan or the calm life is planned. 

A super suit, or two

I have a super suit, or two, that I like to pull out of the closet and whip into shape once in a while. 


No, for heaven’s sake, mine do not have spandex or a cape.  


Although, a cape could be fun if it came from Dior perhaps. 

Or a personal designer.


Right. Dior is not usually the line that I wear so let’s get back to it. 


Still, dream about that for a moment. 


Okay. I’m back!

I do have a suit or two that I wear when I step into my space of pulling together strength. 


To present, testify, teach. 


One is a black jacket with a flowing ripple down the front lapels. 


Can you see it? 


M’hm.  The perfect super suit. 


Add a bit of this and that, a shirt with strips or a graphic tee shirt, with some boots and voila~ 

Let’s get to that meeting or presentation.  


I am ready. 


There was a time when I would leave my day job and go to a second gig with advocacy work, and it was as if I was transforming into my next world.  


I could introduce myself as a mild-mannered office worker who took off one badge and became a voice with many others to work for change. 


How fun is that? 


Oodles, I tell ya.  


There is another suit I pull out when I first introduce myself to groups of new folks to advocacy. 


Now that suit can shimmer and whip me back in time in a blessed blink.  


What to do about that? 

Hold on tight

Truthfully, I hold on tight, add some accessories such as comfortable shoes to handle a wobbly landing as I land back in this time and get ready to bring it on. 


Aren’t that what super suits are for?  Let’s get ready to rumble and go to where the action is? 


That is what the character in the introduction is set to do. 


When the chaos is going outside the window, he rushes to help. 


Why does this suit make me shimmer into another time?  

It is a suit I’ve had since I first started learning about the work that I now do. 


Super cool to have a super suit like this, y’all. 


Now, my friends. 

Think about what you add to your day when you need to add a super suit to your super power. 


What comes to your mind and out of your closet?


What happens if the super suit is not ready? 


Is there another way to get things done even when a powerful super suit is not at hand?


Consider that. 


I have and here’s a few more things to add to the super suit. 


What about the pair of pants that help you stand in your space with strength?


Those socks that make you smile even when others in the room have no idea why your step is springing along. 


The shirt that is calming while being energizing. Yes, that one that you pull into action every time it’s time to reach for the next big thing.


Let’s keep all of the things in our corner when chaos rolls past the window and quick action is needed. 


Find your super suit, my friends. 

Mine will be ready whenever you holler or give the superhero nod!

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