
Big Upheaval #60

Big upheavals

Change and upheaval is a time that some love and others pull away from. Can you feel when a big upheaval is coming in one way or another?

It could look like this. What once looked smooth and made a path from one section to another was in place. Do you see it?


Then whammy! 

Things are turned topsy turvy and suddenly change happens.


Let’s start here. 

This Big Upheaval

Is it really a sudden change? This big upheaval took weeks of planning, preparing the ground around where the concrete would be placed in these massive piles. 


I will tell you this. The outcome looked smoother in my head.  There were not 4–6-inch slabs of gritty rock filled piles hanging out in what used to be a driveway. 




These pieces were going to be picked up and removed one by one as the destruction went along. 


How’s that for a clean-up dream?  



Reality became front and center as the upheaval progressed and the pile grew.


Part of me wanted to jump on top of that with my hiking boots to see if I could still scale something like this and see a new perspective!


Did I?  

Naw.  That is right when the clean-up crew did show up and I was thwarted in my plans. 


Drat double drat. 


Here is what happened. 

Get curious about the upheaval

I found a way to get curious about the upheaval. 


Even though I knew this change was happening, I wanted it to stay smooth and stay as it looked in my head and imagination. 


How’s that for living a dream? 


There is power yet, y’all. 


When I let what was actually happening right in front of me keep me curious, I was able to open my mind to possibility. 


Does that happen in your life? 


Perhaps something big is about to happen and you have it all planned out in your mind. 


Even have it figured out on paper. 


Things such as a move to a new home. 


Job change.


School year begins.


Medical procedure scheduled. 


Business opportunity ready to start. 


A big trip planned.


Do you see it in your mind? It is going to be perfect!


Then a glitch pops into view. 


Whoa. Who else quickly consulted the plan in their head and on paper? 


Oh. That is only me? 


Ok. Well, alrighty. 

Let’s continue.


Stick with me and the glitch. 


A glitch becomes a big upheaval pretty darn quickly when the next step is dependent on the first step happening.  


That’s the nature of steps. 


Yet, what if that upheaval is part of someone else’s step and plan? 


Now, hold your horses here. 

My vision

This is my vision to keep things smooth. 


Let’s clarify. 

Could this be true?  


Here is what I know about upheavals. 


Sometimes, what appears to be a big doozy of a change to the plan in my head is actually how it needs to go. 


Do you see that? 


It became the case with this driveway.  

The only way it was going to become even stronger was for this massive upheaval to happen. 


You are not going to believe this part.  Guess who knew what needed to happen. 

Was it me?  The observer who was making up an easy quiet path of least resistance to the job.


Or was it the people who actually knew how to make a path from one section to the other? 


Spoiler alert. 

It was not me. 


Are there times that I want other changes to be smooth and easy? 


You betcha. 

Is that when I get stronger?  Or when other people around me get stronger?


Not a chance. I know that when I take time to let the upheaval happen, get a new base in place and do the work, I am better for it. 


It’s also when others may get stronger, as well. 


Isn’t that a bugger? 


How has this worked for you, my friends?  Are you one that would like the smooth dreamy way to be here for you? 


If that was a resounding yes, then cheers!  We are in this together. 

Perhaps we can find strength in the upheavals, big and small, together.

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