
A Thousand Wishes Ready to be Made #62

Thousand Wishes

A Thousand Wishes Ready to be Made

I have seen these fluffy white puffs around since I was a young child. 


At that time, my friends and I would gather them up and it looked like a thousand wishes ready to be made every time we saw them. 

Wishes were ready

The wishes were ready to be made as we squeezed our eyes closed and blew the white puffs into the wind. 


Wishes could range from getting a popsicle when I got home to being able to run faster and stronger. 


There were times when I would add my wish to those of one of my friends. 

This would add strength to the wish, right? 


Let’s wish to find more friends, to be able to play longer and then to get another snack! 


Those were the sweet days of beginning wishes. 


I recently found this one white puff in our yard at the end of this season. 


One, you ask? 



That may be why it made me pause.


I watched the puff for long minutes to see if the wind was going to take it away as other activities were going on around me. 


As I realized that this wish maker was staying in place, I began to look at it closer from all sides. 

Was it as I remembered?  

Ready for those wishes

Ready for those wishes to be made? 


Think about what you would have ready if you came across one of these white puffs. 


Now, I do realize there is another name for what you see here and yet let’s stay with the possibility of what we are talking about here. 


Stick with the white puffs.


Dream a little dream and wish with me. 

A thousand wishes came to me as I paused the day I found this one last puff. 


Over the years things had changed from hoping for one more snack and yet what about the other desires from when I was a young child? 


Think about the hopes, desires and wishes that you’ve had since you were young until now. 


How have they changed? 


Drastically or slightly. 


Here is what I sat with on that day and since then. 


Wishes grand and small stayed close to those that I made as a young one. 


Here are three broad areas that seemed to have stayed true for me over the years. 


Let’s play long with folks in our world, eat a sweet treat and good food and get stronger. 


What do you think about that? 


Things that make me go hmmm. 


Did you think they would be more exact?


Well, there are many more exact wishes that I’ve made and have deep in my heart. 


If I squeeze my eyes tight, I can share a few more. 

Take a breath with me

Take a breath with me. 

Here we go.


Be brave as an eight-year-old. 

Sing loud and dance to every song I love. 

Read the books in that stack near my comfy chair. 

Make every year A Year of Play.

Go outside and sit on our favorite mountain with Brandon.

Look deeply into the eyes of those I love. 


Are you breathing?  Still here? 


Let’s keep going a bit deeper into the wishes.


Count the moments that come, as tough or as joyful as they are. Each one is powerful. 

Look for what we can do for one more person who is coming along a path we’ve gone along.

Love. Yes, keep love my focus for ever and for eternity.



I am pausing again. 


That is what there is for now.  


How’s that for a start of the thousand wishes ready to be made? 


How about you? 

Did you start to make your list of wishes?  Hopes and dreams can be a part of this. 

It always has been for me, my friends.


Find a few of your thousand wishes and perhaps begin to play with a few.

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  1. Susan Bradshaw on October 18, 2022 at 3:25 am

    Love love your thoughts in your blog, makes me remember my wishes!!! Simple like yours in my young years, and still want those simple wishes but can add a bit more to someone else’s wishes too makes the world a kinder place! As I add one today and that is to Know Him! Love ya’

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