
You’re My Best Friend #63

best friend

You’re My Best Friend 


There is a song that has pulsed through our house for a very long time. It pulls us to our feet to keep the place lively and us on our toes. 


It is this one from Queen called You’re My Best Friend.


Oohh. With a guitar solo and then a rat a tat tat roll on the drums. 


Of course, the keyboard comes into play quickly as the version is fast, true and light. 


A live version is what we look for as life is like that, lively and quick. 


I think the first time I heard this song was when I was running in three directions at once, getting this, that and the other done. Or trying to, at least.


Then Brandon said Hey, come listen to this. Quick. It will only take a minute or two. 


His grin pulls me in every single time. 


What am I going to do? 


I stopped and listened.


Ooh. You’re my best friend. 


His grinning and tap of the foot get me every time. 

Why I love this song about friends

Then came the impromptu two step with Dallin peering around the corner before joining in added to why I love this song


Yes, it was many years ago that this song came into our realm. 


Rainy days and sunshine have certainly been a part of life and yet here we are. 


We have been married for more than 30 years so how did we become this best of friends?


These things have come up as I am thinking about how we have become where we are now. 


Let’s start with the fact that we are almost complete opposites!


I know, what in the world are two people like this doing in a place like this? 


Oh, you mean beside having the time of our lives? 


Yeah yeah. 

We do almost everything differently

We do almost everything, every little thing, differently. 


If I say let’s take this route, then he will almost naturally take the other. 

We load the dishwasher with bowls, cups and silverware in different places. 

Towels are folded in squares or rectangles depending on who does the laundry. 


Dearly beloved, can we never talk about how to fold the fitted sheets? 

Lands. It is a journey to not refold every one of them. 


There is a standing line we say when it comes to getting the house and yard stuff done in our home. 

It goes a bit like this. So, Conan the Contrarian, how’d you like to have that be completed today? 


If we don’t laugh then things may, I say may, be thrown across the South 40 on our bit of land. 


Oh wait. That has been done. 


We have thrown things. 

Did you know that frisbees, baseballs, leaves, and laughter are all great to throw across a distance? 


Now you do. 

You’re welcome.


How are we best friends if we are complete opposites? 


We laugh a lot. 

It also takes both of us to do a ton of the things we have planned. 

Take the picture you see here

Take the picture you see here on one of our favorite mountains. 

Sure, it took a bunch of times to get to this photo. 


Why? We were laughing, of course. 

You can also tell that one of us was holding the phone and the other pushed the button. 


Let’s call it teamwork, y’all! 


We also do this. 

We then find that we do love the most important things as deeply as the other. 


As the song goes, the live version of this life is fast and true.  


So, we found that we can keep it light while holding on to each other, creating our strength on our own and then together. 

We agree on this

What do we agree on is this. 


Love deeply. 

Give freely. 

Talk openly about what is happening and what has happened. 

Make changes as needed in every aspect of this thing called life.

Ask questions and be willing to step into the quest for answers together. 


Be brave, separately and together. 


Look each other in the eyes, a lot. 

Give a group hug.

See the strength that is in one another. Believe it is always there. 


Talk about our dreams, our memories and then dream again. 

Know that we will be together and do that amazing two step again with our Dallin. 


Oohhh. You’re my best friend. In the storm or sunshine. 


That’s a start, my friends.


There is quite a bit more that we have come together with over these years. 


What comes to your mind and heart? Is it an established time, starting point, a memory or a time of opposition for you?  

Sometimes it’s all of them, my friends. Roll with the drumming and find your rhythm.

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  1. Susan Bradshaw on October 25, 2022 at 2:43 pm

    So true of you two, I can see and feel that you are best friends! And WOW 30 years. My best friend and I are on our the beginning of our 50th year but really 54, as we dated for 4 years before we got hitched! We have our same things we do, we have opposite things we do, but like you, we are working toward that two step dance with all of our family. Thanks for sharing your love with us!

    • Julia Pearce on October 30, 2022 at 1:10 am

      Thanks Susan!
      It’s a bit more than 30 for us so ….We are going to keep going to get to 50 🙂
      Thanks for being great examples to us!
      love you two

  2. Mom on October 30, 2022 at 7:54 pm

    Boy do I love this one. The Love. The hope. The optimism. The whole thing❤️❤️

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