
Storms Rolling in Again #64

Stormy sky

Storms rolling in again

Storms are rolling in again these days, as it turns out there are things changing for people all around. And for us. 

Sometimes the storms are big and roll around,

over and

seemingly through us.

Have you felt one of these? 

Let’s start with the physical storms.

Two types of storms

There are times when being in a storm is calming and other times when they can feel massive. 

How can they be both? Let’s meander down the path and see what comes. 

I recently sat in a house and watched a storm change from rain to snow in the quiet part of the day. Even with much more going on with those I was with, there was peace in these moments. 

It was as if someone had pushed pause to go with the change in the storm.

Can you feel the calm? 

What a lovely breath it was to be in, and watch happen. 

When was the last time you found this happening to you? 

Now, to the next type of storm. 

Do you have a slicker with a hood? How about tall winter boots to keep your feet dry? 

Great! Go grab them. I’ll wait. 

Ok. Let’s get going with the big storms that may feel massive. 

I have been in tropical storms that roll into a southern state in the United States. These storms left me drenched through all layers of clothes and pulled umbrellas inside out. 

One storm brought rain rushing down the roads and shut down the city with the airport closing, as well.

The reality of this type of storm has another side to it that may be one you feel. 

It brought unease that was off the charts to many of us visiting the city and to those who lived in the city. 

Storm brought unease again to people

Dare I say that it was a storm that brought back memories of other massive experiences that people here had been through. 

And did not want to repeat. 


I remember sitting in this storm and watching, waiting and actually sitting on the edge of my seat. 

Was I going to be one who could fly out of the city? Would I and others at the event need to find other places to stay if the water rose? 


This brought a few more questions that had nothing to do with the rain or flow of water. 

These had me searching for my own calm, peace and others as we watched. 



Held on. 

Then I began to do something that felt natural and yet, not at all what I expected. 

Reach out to others

I reached out to others who were in this same situation. 

What? Can you even believe this? 

There were many in this space sitting alone and yet it did not need to be so. 

Watching the massive effects increase in a gray tropical storm can feel isolating. 

Then, I looked up to see who else was in the same place and feeling something similar. 


Seriously. People were everywhere watching and waiting and hoping to get home. 

We made eye contact. Then we started talking, connecting and distracting each other. 


I remember, even now, the trust we began to build with moments being created,

We were not alone. I found one person to sit next to and then so did others. Yes, that did mean that I needed to move my feet to get into a new spot. 


It can be done, my friends. Yes, even in the middle of a storm. 

What about the other types of storms? 

Those other storms that may feel as big as this one that stopped a city. 

Storms felt inside us

Storms that are felt inside us. 

I have felt this. Have you? 

Perhaps it could be something like this.

Big upheavals when you least expect them.

Uncertainty of changes that are coming. 

Illness and pain. 

Feeling like the lion, Clay Calloway, in the movie Sing 2 when you want to do what you once did and yet don’t quite know how to walk out of the tunnel. Until you get the guitar out of the case and find your rhythm. Again. 

Forgetting that there is color everywhere. Even when it looks gray in all the corners of your world.

Truth being told to the right person for you is like finding the best place for your feet. Keep walking until you find your space.


Here is what I learned, or perhaps it is what I remembered. 


Hold on when you must,

roll with the storm when you can,

be in the storm and remember your feet are there

even when you can’t see them.

The levels of gray in a storm may feel intense.

Feel it all, my friends.

And then breathe,

in and out,

looking up when you can.

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  1. Terah Fullmer on November 5, 2022 at 2:50 pm

    Beautiful reminders Julia, thank you.

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