
Time For a Golden Slumber #72

Golden Slumber

Time For a Golden Slumber  


I started writing this on Christmas. With the good and the hard. 

It’s how I know it’s time for a golden slumber as the day comes to an end. 


Time to breathe through intense tender moments as we hold tightly and then let the intensity go as the beauty remains.


I sit in front of a small tree filled with glowing bulbs bouncing off stars, sleds and white ribbons.


How do we start this? 


Every year Brandon and I greet the day with the things we have done for decades. 


We go back to doing what we did to make our home feel like the haven we want it to be. Especially at this time of year. 


The holidays we celebrate bring peace, memories and Calm to The Soul

Adding three things

Over the years this has included adding three things including lights to trees, baking sweet treats and taking time to be still. 


There is a song that comes to my mind that seems to bring an extra layer of stillness to me. 


Golden Slumber by the Beatles, with this version, rolls through my mind with a rhythm that has brought leaky eyes and grand two steps. 


Here is what we have found over these past years.


Why is this powerful? This Christmas is the tenth without our Tall One so we craved those three things.


The lights in every space bring hope for another day of joy to our mind and heart. 

I see this wherever I go, as well. 


In our neighbor’s window as their tree is lit for all to see.

Another home we see has lights displayed to begin and end the day with whimsy.  


The sweet treats have changed some over the years. There are sticky ones, fluffy and decorated sweets or perhaps big platters made to share with others. 


Each way the winds of treats go will bring smiles to our home and others. 

This year, the memories of sweet treats led to the pause and taking time to be still. 

Take a moment here

Let’s take a moment here, shall we? 


What do you see? 


There are two of us now.  We smile with grand memories as the traditions we hold dear are before us. 

This is what we choose at each moment. 


And yet, here is one more thing to consider. 


Are you ready for a bit of truth? 


The sweet treat that we love to make, share and eat brought back a flood of memories and suddenly my mind was transported into a space that was incredible yet complex.


I found myself in Brandon’s arms with eyes filled to the eyelashes and then spilling over. This treat was one that our son helped make then share with others.

Suddenly, I felt this.

Love, yearning, gratitude, pure feelings all together. 

Can all exist

Can all exist at the same time? 


Apparently, they can. 


What did it mean? 


My friends. Today it meant that it was time to pause, feel everything and allow the rhythm of this day we love to continue. 


Was this easy? 


No, nope, and I do not expect it to be. 


I still have hope because of this, my friends. 


I knew that the crushing moments would lift, that the lights surrounding our home would continue to shine and the treats we love were still tasty. 


Can you imagine?  I can as we choose it along with the gnarly times during a day like this. 


I will also tell you this. 


Taking time to be still, allowing mindfulness on days that are important to us, is what gets us through. 


Today it was with smiles that came before and after important, complex moments. 

When the golden slumber has given time to rest

Tomorrow it may come when the golden slumber has given time to rest, bring the rhythm into any day ahead and yes, even allow for leaky eyes when needed.  


Oh, and you decide when each of this is needed.


What will a slumber bring you? May it come to you and the ones you love this week and in the coming year, my friends.

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  1. Mary Jo Jo O'Neal on December 26, 2022 at 9:02 pm

    Ten years of your son experiencing the expanse of eternal knowledge and love. Congratulations, you’ve shared a decade of resilience and grace.

    • Julia Pearce on December 28, 2022 at 9:32 pm

      Yes and Yes! Thank you for always sharing your love…
      It is how we continue and look for the good we can still learn

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