
Train Your Mind and Your Muscles #73

Three weights for training

Train Your Mind and Your Muscles 


I have been thinking about training, both for my muscles and my mind. 

This is not about resolutions.


I stopped doing that at the start of a new year many years ago. How about you? 

Okay yes, I do know some that continue to create resolutions. You bet it’s awesome that they share their goals and success.


Thanks for sharing cool outcomes!


They also know that some of us, including me, start a year differently. 

I like to look at where I am with my current goals, perhaps from a project I have in the works and keep things going to create flow. 


Let’s look at what is going on currently. 

How to train your mind and your muscles

How about we chat for a bit about training, specifically about how to train your mind and your muscles. 


Great. That is a trail I can follow at this time.

Ready. Set. Begin.


A few months ago, I read this bit of insight from Jim Kwik

Train your mind like how you would train your muscles. 


Now, I have used weights to train my muscles over the years. 


Sometimes that included learning more through books and taking classes with friends and family to increase core and lower body strength. 


There were other times, over years, that I would find new programs to follow so I could pop a video or DVD in at any time at home. 

Option build definition and power

Rotating through these options build definition and power. 


There were times that I would add free weights to go from light to heavy. 


Sure! They looked like this. 


Now, be nice when you check out that light one. Can you see that it says 2 lbs.? 



I am going for high reps with this tidy little weight.


Next is the handy dandy 3 lbs. and then, if I use two hands, I can hold onto the big one. 


C’mon. You know it’s time to be nice again. 


10 lbs. are a big weight for me!  


Now, what else have I used to train my muscles? Other resistance workouts, including using a jump rope and workout ball. 


It’s also good to include fun when training!


I then need to remember to stretch my muscles at the end of a workout to be ready for the next go around. 


There is one more thing that was added a few years ago with training. It helped as I got ready for one new race. 

Train my mind with focus

It brings me to the second area of training. That is about training my mind with the same level of focus. 


Is that possible? 

It seemed that I needed to give it a good go. 


Are you game? 


Let’s see what happens.  

To begin, I’d like to take a look at what Jim Kwik mentions in his piece. 


Oh yeah, train your mind the way you would train your muscles. Is there more? 


Yep. There is always more when talking about the mind. 


For me, the next steps have included this. 

Keep my thoughts in line

Keep my thoughts in line with what I want to work on now. 


Sure, sounds simple and easy peasy. 


Mac and cheesy. 


At times it can mean that I Restart and Refocus


Other times it means I simply pay attention to the feedback I am getting in a moment and then either pull back or go forward with what I am feeling. 


That happened last week as I was contemplating a decision. 


I moved forward, yes, actually took a step to start a conversation and then felt a strong pull to not go ahead with my plans. 


It was as if there was a strong filter to my thoughts suddenly. 


I left the situation and took the week to think about a new direction. 


Gratitude for the pause came in that moment and in the coming days. 


How else can I train my mind? 


As I think about how I have worked to increase muscle strength, I think about similar strategies as this new year moves into the coming days.

Add to the flow of life

Here are a couple ideas that pop into what I am doing now, that also seem like they can add to the flow of life. 


I look for good in the moments of my day. 

Like knowing what to say and, as importantly, what not to say at certain times. 


I know! Being able to pay attention and then trust that I have any idea what to do next. 

Especially with what words to say.


What in the world? 


Okay, let’s go with this one for a bit. 


How about paying attention to the goodness around me, like sunrises and breaks in the storms? 


Snow that comes up to my boot, but not over it.


Cars that work well. 


Taking time to talk with Brandon. Every time.


Reading a book with a comfy blanket draped over my legs.


Being still and allowing my mind to take in what I read, think or wonder.




These I can do.  

They seem to be a good thing for my mind and help me see the next good thing, as well. 


Whew! Made it!


What about you, my friends? 


Shall we start with the two- or three-pound goals here? 


That seems like a good way to begin and then repeat until going to the bigger goals. 


May your beginnings bring time to train, pause and stretch.

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  1. Margene Morris on January 3, 2023 at 7:30 pm

    Love it, and I am starting with the smaller weights….just a bit heavy right now. lol

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