
The Final Countdown #76

Final countdown clock

The Final Countdown 


There are times when my body and soul can feel a date coming before I even look at a calendar. 


This has been going on for as long as I can remember.


A song plays through my head and adds to the two steps as these memories come. 


The Final Countdown from Europe has a steady pop rhythm playing out on a keyboard with a guitar strumming a melody along.  


When I was kid, I could feel a final countdown coming as the end of summer was near and the first day of school was looming. 


Do you remember watching the long hot days come to an end and knowing that new clothes shopping meant that it was almost time to sit in a chair again? 


I could also tell when big family gatherings were about to take place when large potato salads were being made. It was only then we were told that yes, a party was planned, and it was time to get ready! 


Countdown time as I got excited to see family again. 


What a great day it was when the party date arrived, and we all gathered! 

Fun, games and laughter filled the air each time the family came together.


This ability to know when dates are coming has stayed with me as time has passed and I got older.


Sometimes it was for dates that meant good times were near and then it was something else. 


Let’s stay with the good times for a bit. 


Final countdowns for me have included making paper chains to know when a favorite winter holiday was only 25 days away.  

I would start this countdown on the first day of a month, keep going through the winter solstice and on to the day when presents were under a tree. 

Good things on this final countdown

Good things on this final countdown have been happening for almost a half a century. 


Think about the days that you have felt coming. 

Was there a build up to them as your body or soul knew what was coming next? 


Here is my next question for all of us. 


Is there a difference when you think about the dates that feel fun or bring memories of laughter and the dates that bring on a different set of feelings? 


Let’s consider that kind of a day that comes with a final countdown next.


I am in a space where this is happening right now.


Keep in mind that it can feel the same as the song. First there is a steady beat built up with the keyboard and then comes the strumming of the guitar.  


Do you remember? 

Let it come to you as the countdown clock comes into play.  

My body knows.

For the next few weeks, there will be moments when my body knows exactly what date it is before I even glance at the calendar.


It is only then that I will check and realize that this was a day that laughter filled the house. 


The appointment where we talked about many things came on this date.


We sat together and watched movies here. 


What else will come to me as this final countdown continues? 

Perhaps some will be around bouquets that have come to me over the years. 


A smile comes with each tender thought and then there is this.


The flow and rhythm of the days will blend and create the next part in this final countdown. 


My friends, here is a bit to know. 


Countdowns bring next steps.

There is more to come and share and bring to others when the clock reaches the starting point. 


Whatever that means to each of us. 


It could be that gathering with family, presents under a tree and yes, memories that bring joy, calm and being in this moment.


Countdowns have also brought time to breathe through the ragged moments, the pause to pay attention when my body knows how to prepare for what is coming and be aware of what can possibly come next. 


What are your countdowns bringing to you, my friends?

 Can we do this together? Let’s think about that going into what comes. 

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  1. Margene Morris on January 24, 2023 at 7:30 pm

    Thank you, I have felt the count down coming…..and sometimes its hard knowing what will come when its done. Life has been full of those moments good and hard this past few years… much to remember and to share. Love you and all your wisdom my friend.

    • Julia Pearce on February 1, 2023 at 1:54 am

      I hold onto the countdowns and what my soul knows what is coming. Yes, they have come for each of us in these past years.
      Thank you for being here, my friend.

  2. Mallory on January 25, 2023 at 8:34 pm

    I’ve always called this my sixth sense 😆

    • Mary Jo Jo O'Neal on January 26, 2023 at 2:27 pm

      Those moments infom us of our shared human experience, validated by knowing others have touchstone moments that we relive with deep emotion.
      Hugs to you.

      • Julia Pearce on February 1, 2023 at 1:58 am

        There is such shared strength when we can step with each other into our experiences.
        I love that you are here with me, and always has been… truly!

    • Julia Pearce on February 1, 2023 at 1:55 am

      Yes! that sixth sense! I love that – thank you for sharing what is known to so many of us

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