
Chorus of Dreams to Come #93

Chorus of Fish

Chorus of Dreams to Come


It’s time to dance. 


This song by Erasure has been strumming in my head for many years and includes a chorus that has fun words and rhythm that almost guarantees the volume will be turned up every time.


Some of the meaning in the song for me goes back trying to imagine fish, as the song says, sleeping. 


And yet, in my world, fish are the ones that float along one or two at a time. 


Sometimes in a group like these koi fish that I saw with a friend a few days ago. 


There are no sleeping fish in my world. 


Perhaps there are jumping and splashing fish. Ones that are orange and yellow, like the sunshine that draws me in this time of year. 


I have also seen spots of black which bring calm energy to these fish, and to my day. 


When I have stopped to watch fish, it means that I have paused. 


Let’s go with the pause while we are here together. 

Remember to dream.

Pausing lets me remember to dream. 


When was the last time you did this? 

I like to dream and let my thoughts go down rabbit trails every once in a while. 


Here’s a bit of truth that you may have also felt in your world. 


There was a time that I needed to, yes needed to teach myself to dream again. 


Can you imagine?  When I was a kid, I dreamed big audacious dreams. 


Every day my thoughts would naturally go into the clouds overhead. 


I wanted to climb high into the trees with my cousins, paint big ideas growing in my mind, talk to all the kids on the playground and learn three languages. 


When our son was born, I had dreams for him. 


What would he become?  The sky, bright and blue with that yellow sun blazing across the sky, did not have a limit. 


Then I got older, and life slipped in. 


Blast it to the moon!  How did life come into the picture? 


I moved across the country and met new people. Dreams were introduced there and then, they changed again. 


Our son’s world changed so we dreamed again. 


Then, the day to day became more … involved. 

Like a new chorus.

It was like a new chorus, with a new rhythm being introduced. 


Beautiful sounds came again and again while I found moments, like watching a new set of fish swim in our home. 

Pausing to dream came like a bright sun trailing across the sky. 


I followed and led, like the koi fish in this pond. 


Do you know who gets to decide when the chorus adds new voices, like new fish coming into view? 


This may surprise you as it sure did me! 


Turns out that I am one who gets to decide. 


Like I am Fancy Nancy with new lipstick on as I step into a new dreaming phase. 


Can you imagine it with me? 


Oh. My. Word! 


Here’s the other part I should share with you. 


Dreaming with a focus on what I love has always been part of the gig. 


Truthfully, it always will be. 


I now get to become curious about who will be a part of my next chorus and dream. 


How about you, my friends? Let’s take these next two steps together!

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  1. Margene Morris on May 22, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    I could really use a NEW dream….I am growing just a bit tired, but I also hold on to hope that much is still coming and still ahead of me. So, Thanks for giving me a boost and a reminder to keep dreaming. I will do just that and dream big maybe impossible dreams but we can adjust as we go along, right?

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