
The Books Were All in a Row #97

Piles of books

The Books Were All in a Row

Do you ever come into a situation and then realize more is happening without knowing it? 


This happened to me this week. I came into a store that I pop into occasionally to see what is new. I then saw that some of the books were all in a row that day. 


On this certain day, I was looking at other things right before this such as a skirt and t-shirts so was not prepared in my mind as I peered around the corner to see the tables of books. 


Yes! Tables like this where the books were all in a row.


What was I to do? Like every good book gathering person, I started to look at each book. 


The piles of books had captured me like I was buying for an upcoming birthday or winter holiday. Who could I buy an illustrated story for? 


My mind slowly meandered as my feet took two steps to the right and then three steps to the left. 

Around the tables I went as I became mesmerized and pulled into a children’s book.


Each time I looked up I left one more behind. How many could I hold really? 

Twelve, thirteen, fifteen?  

Suddenly my thoughts whirled to another time.

Suddenly my thoughts whirled to another time when I would walk and waltz through tables like these in front of me. That time was with a grand one who loved books as much as I do.


My heart became still, and I needed to put down the pile of delightful books. 


Do you wonder why?


Let’s start with a story from before time began in this universe. 

Trust me as we take this stroll. 


There was a boy in our realm who loved books like these when he was small and then tall. 


He would roll along the table when he was young and choose the books he wanted to add to our home library. 


The books were all in a row for him.

The books were all in a row for him as we paid and took new books home. We then created space on shelves to read, sign and sing to what we found. 


Piles of these books were pulled from room to room, day after day, for years. 


Imagine with me as we would spend hours reading, discussing and finding ways to add more to the books. 


I took books to doctor appointments with small toys so we could act out the action scenes. 

There were ways to count dots and stickers in case being hilarious in our every day was not enough. 


It felt like a dream as I created space and time for stories to be told while we played. 


The books were how we discovered a dozen dizzy dinosaurs,

Wide mouth frogs,

Boys with purple crayons,

That moons could help you sleep, 

And that a big red dog helps people, too!


My friends, this is truly a dream as that space is now beyond my reach. 


You’ll never guess what is true today.

The books were all in a row then and you’ll never guess what is true today. 


Some of these are still in place today. 

Do you know any of this to be true in your space? 


I found that when I walked into the store that day, with these tables of books all in a row, my mind recalled all of this in an instant. 


It was as if the decades melted away before my leaking eyes and I was able to stand in my present space, with hope. 


Gratitude for truly grand moments also washed over me as I gently placed the books back in their rows. I have also found that my leaky eyes can be healthy and it’s ok to have them appear. 

Then I found one more item.

Then I found one more item.


A small dish came into my view. 

Let’s stick together, it said.  Maybe it was time to get my ducks in a row


My heart pulled it nearby. 

That is what I could do on that day. Stick together with the memories, the joy and lessons that I have been taught. 


The grand one I got to learn from is seen all around me on days like this. I choose to see them as I look up.


I glanced behind me at the books as I slowly walked away. 


I may look to find some space with them another day. Perhaps I will add a new one to the books I have in a row on the shelves in a green room. 


Not today as my eyes had cleared and my feet directed me forward with all that had come. 


What are your feet directing you towards?  Do you have things like the books all in a row to bring your eyes to the next step? 


Glance around and let’s go there together. 


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  1. Terah on June 19, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    Oh the books, and the blanket forts and the snuggles, the giggles and the questions that sometimes that came with them. That is what this post brought to mind. A smile and leaky eyes. Thank you my friend, thank you.

    • Julia Pearce on June 23, 2023 at 10:14 pm

      I am grinning with your happy memories with this row of books! Thank you for sharing this time, my friend!

  2. Margene Morris on June 19, 2023 at 2:37 pm

    Love those memories and those moments. Thank You for sharing them,

    • Julia Pearce on June 23, 2023 at 10:16 pm

      Memories are the best and I sure loved these! thank you for being here with me, my true friend

  3. Mom on June 19, 2023 at 4:57 pm

    Hi. Oh so love this I remember well the rows of lined up books. Tender memories. ❤️

    • Julia Pearce on June 23, 2023 at 10:17 pm

      Books have been everywhere, stacked and lined up, for many many years! Thank you for showing them to me first!

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