
Layer upon Layer #106

Layer upon layer clouds

Layer upon Layer


There are times that I get to pause and look up as the day begins to see layer upon layer building around me. 


These moments have added brilliant bounces of energy and color as I begin again. 


While I have stood to watch these colors, I sometimes began to think of this as my starting layer. 


What can become next? 

Let’s add more with layer upon layer and keep going. 


I have listened to what this can mean for years and then came to this fun meaning. It pulls at my memories even now. 


We watched a movie with an ogre named Shrek and a donkey for a time in our house. These two became friends as they needed to go on an adventure to save a swamp. 


I know! Why not go on a jaunt as two friends! Sounds like it’s time to get a conversation going to me. 


So, it happens with a quick description about how an ogre is like an onion with layers and a comparison about how parfaits also have layers. 


Then it came to the point that it wasn’t about the onion or the parfait. It was that an ogre, or a person, has many layers and is not only what appears on the surface. 

Building of layers of layers

Now the building of layers upon layers continues with these two as their journey continues. 


In our house, this often looked like this movie on constant replay so we could hear the dialogue with laughter and hands clapping.  More characters of cats in boots, dragons and a princess came into the picture while dancing along the way. 


I remember to smile with grand memories that are layered in my soul. 


These characters bring joy to me as their banter continues long after the movie has ended.


This may be how it goes for a few I know as it did for me. 


The building of layers as journeys continued. 


Think about what this may have looked like for you as we take a two step into this for a bit more. 


When I look up and see the layers in the clouds, I see other things that make me remember to smile like the friends in this movie.  


I love to watch clouds for other shapes along with the layers I see here with beautiful morning colors. 


As I see the flowing of colors, I have also seen shapes like sweet baby elephants and 

A long-necked brontosaurus or 

Two playful puppies. 


It reminds me of the times I have chased storms or paused in a day to look up as I work to remain in the joy of life. 


Have you thought about a few things that you have added layer upon layer? 


Perhaps it is about how a person is truly more than what is seen at first and can be more when layers are pulled back. 


The ogre is at first seen as a big and grumbly beast of a thing and then turns into the one who not only saves his swamp but is there to save a kingdom. 

He and donkey turn into great friends and then are ready for more to come. 


I am like this in some ways. 

There are times in my life when I was learning to become an advocate for our son when I may have seemed quiet. It was a time when I was watching the ones who came before me to know about my steps. 


Being quiet was my way of observing and knowing what to do next. 


I learned that the ones who came before me could become my great mentors and friends. 


Layers upon layers were being added to the colors in my world. 


The joy that came next helped me to remember to smile with my friends and others. 


Thinking about the flowing colors in front of all of us can become the next layer.

What does this look like for you?  Let’s do this together, my friends. 

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