
Lucky for you #117

Lucky for You

Lucky for you.


One of my favorite quotes has to do with a cricket that is held in a pocket, two loosely held hands or slid under a tea cup. 


Lucky for you the cricket is held dear and with high regard in the hands that hold them. The one who brought Cri-Kee the cricket to the scene also brings hope and love to these hands. 


Perhaps you’ve had someone bring you a piece of their memory that is filled with more than one thing. 

Hope for the future, joy for the moment, possibilities, strength, high expectations, and love. 


Lucky for you it can also be what you need for your space, as well. Adventure, your own hope for dreams, forces for good, kindness, and love. 


Yes, I did add love into both sides as I think love is a part of all sides of this story. The one bringing luck and one who desires luck. 


Back to being the lucky one.

How creating luck is going to look.

You get to decide from this moment going forward how creating luck is going to look and become for you. It is yours now. 


Cri-Kee became what was needed for the adventurous receiver and then they became fellow travelers. 


This part of the story has brought laughter and more stories in our house. 


Can you feel how this is the best way to go with this flow? 

Cri-Kee knew who to do it with, as well. 


Even before this cricket came into my realm, I knew something about these bugs. 


Crickets also mean delight and joy for me. I hope we can take on the same with this lucky bug. 


Delight and joy can come with luck when an adventure comes along. 


I have wondered if Cri-Kee knew what he was getting into when first introduced at tea. 

Did he think about the landslide and bits of fire that would come with the horseback rides? 


There have also been times when I wondered if I knew what adventures were coming my way and I thought the same thing after rolling through days. 


Knowing that I was one lucky bug to have the days that went up and down mountains always helped me pause and then go back to the beginning of how this story started. 


Friends and family may be there with you and that is lucky, too! 


Days when being with friends, bouncing up and over waves that wash away misadventures, long journeys that gave us time to gather our luck again. 


Here is the bit of truth. 


I have had others say this to me over the years with the same hope and gift of a small cri-kee of their own.


The intent is to support, help or guide. 


It has sounded like this at times. 

Lucky for you there is now time.

Lucky for you there is now time to do what you want. 


Imagine! That there is now other opportunity. Lucky for you this is the way it is meant to be. 


Time to gather your strength and step into the adventure again. You’ve got this. 


And on it goes.


Are there times when what may seem lucky to observers does not feel that way to you? 


The way that luck feels is up to each of us. 


Let’s consider that for a moment as we think about Cri-Kee and how he was able to stay with his friends. 

He may have brought luck and yet lived each day as it came. 


Lucky for you, so can we!

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  1. Margene Morris on November 16, 2023 at 12:20 am

    Love it! As my sister says, I live a charmed life. lol It does appear that way at times then other times the rain pours…but then rain is good too!

    • Julia Pearce on November 21, 2023 at 4:21 am

      Exactly! Lucky looks different from where you stand 🙂

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