
Tell Everybody I’m On My Way #123

Tell Everybody I'm On My Way

Tell Everybody I’m On My Way 


This year is almost done, and it is taking a bit more time to get places this week. 


Have you been in a space like this before? 


Things are planned and then you get a message that asks if you are coming? 


Of course, I am, so tell everybody I’m on my way. 


It begins with that even with a fast pace before me. 


Who comes to your mind when you think of this phrase?  Is there a specific person that springs forward first? 


Think of them as I share what has come to me this past while. 


Perhaps with a dancing two steps in my heart as the tune comes to us together. 


Phil Collins gives us many things to think about as well with this song from a story about two bears who become brothers.


So, think about who you would share a grand adventure with and let’s be about this!

What better way to close out 2023?

What better way to close out 2023 than to tell everybody I’m on my way? 


Who knows what can come next if we step a foot into a new realm! 


Let’s go back to the song for a minute as the bounce and rhythm is ready to get into our story. 

Bears start out on their adventure and the little bear is up for anything. 


Why is that? 

He has recently lost someone he loves and thought he would be going about life on his own only to find that he is not at all alone. 


The best turn of the story is all about finding new family and friends to go along the way with. 


How’s that for a turn for the better? 

Extremely better for all on this way, my friends. 

Do you see that telling everybody that you are on your way can bring new friends?

Do you see that telling everybody that you are on your way can bring new friends to you? To me? 


Back up now to the one who came to your mind at the beginning. 

What about the person who popped into your being? 


Are they with you now in your heart and by your side? 


I have three people who come to me, and some may surprise you. 

They add depth and calm to me such as the wood in these bowls with a touch of brightness in the glitter and bows of this time of year. 


First is a character from a movie that we are drawn to a few times each year, and at the close of this one.


It involves a wizard who knows who he is and is always going on a journey with friends. 

He introduces himself in this way to a hobbit and dwarves


‘I am Gandalf and Gandalf means… me!’


That is telling everybody that you are on your way. In fact, telling everybody that you have arrived in splendid fashion. What a great way to introduce oneself! 


Now, here is the next one to come to me. 


He grew from being small and joyful to tall and up for anything. I have described him before as becoming tenacious, audacious and hilarious while also being resilient and quite trustful. 


Do you see that I have begun describing Dallin, our son? 

He let others know with a full belly laugh.

When he let others know that he was on his way he did it with a full belly laugh and a direct look into their eyes.  


Truthfully, he found grand moments sitting with others quietly before pulling people close to do exactly that to see what might bring fun next. 


Breathe with me as I think about the next person. 


It’s actually a group of people. 


You see, I can do that and so can you! Adding to those we keep near is part of growing long roots


There are women who I know that have taught me how to show up, be there for others and become a better person. 


They are like the wizard in that there is only one of them and they are …. Them! 


One can swing into action with a moment’s notice to create incredible and beautiful designs while holding space for truth. 


Another is able to pull together a group with delight and humor to the point that a group hug must take place. She is beckoned by name at every turn.  


The grand designer comes to the front with joy always in her side pocket with prizes in every shape and size. People leave her side better for being with her. 


You can feel when these and many others are telling others when they are on their way for the wake of joy they leave in their path. 


All of the ways I shared here have something to talk about being on our way. 


How much can you share with others? Do you show it in words or deeds? 


There are times when I find that I can do it in both ways. 


Perhaps it can be one more way to tell them I am on my way.

We’ll see what comes when we get there. 


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