
A Thousand Years #150 

A thousand years

A Thousand Years


There is a small notebook on our dresser that has some words written in it. 


These words give us daily reminders about the little things that bring love to our home. 


They feel like those things that have been growing for a thousand years to bring smiles, laughter and sighs. 


Can such a small base bring calm to either one of us as we flip through each page? 


Yes, I believe so. 


It also brings a song of the same name to mind from Sting.


I find a flow with this easy rhythm and can begin to imagine the words coming to life. 


In our life that is something I appreciate. 


Take a dance step with me as I share a few of these words with you. 


Here is where we begin.


Wonderful fun has been a part of our lives forever and eternity. 


What comes to your mind as this piece is here?


Mine included boats, neighborhood parks with slides and riding trains. 

In a thousand years we thought it would always include three of us.

In a thousand years we thought it would always include three of us while we did these things. 


Now it includes two of us and then even more as we seek to expand our circle with friends and family. 


Fun could also include dancing through the house, in the car and tapping a toe while cleaning. 


Think about how to add more wonderful fun in your day as we go another word in this book. 


Full of all the good things is another way to look at the world. 


Being full can mean many things.


I have been full after a delicious meal with those I know. Meals bring us together and help us take a breath with gratitude.


There is also a fullness that has come after completing a tough physical or mental job. 


The good things that can come from this has looked like thinking about what can come next while being fully aware of where I have come from each day. 


One more way to think about being full is by being full of love. 

Love is how we live fully each day and look up to see what is coming around the corner.

Feels like we’ve been living for a thousand years.

Here is one more word from this book that feels like we’ve been living for a thousand years. 


Can you step into this one? 


It’s all about staying open. 


Open to being curious, personal thoughts to inspiration and even peace at times. 


What if these things bring me to a difficult thing that comes next? 


Well, that is what I have also learned in this time that feels like a thousand years. 

It could be that I’d like life to only include rainbows and pony rides. 


I recently heard that a group of ladybugs is called a Loveliness or a Bloom. 


I’d be okay with that coming along every once in a while, and yet life does include hard times, as well. 

What I’ve learned in my thousand years of living.

Being open to all of it is what I have learned in my thousand years of living. 


Here is a final word for now. 

Can we be willing during our time here? 


Be willing to look at the things around to see an unexpected next step. 

Willing also to find a meaning in that step while looking at what I can do for others. 


Look at and take time to celebrate


Sometimes being willing is where I need to step away from anything I thought was going to happen and let life roll along now. 


Can you feel a pause in my breath? 

That is what may happen for you, as well, during your thousand years. 


There have actually been a thousand or more times when I realized that this was where the magic came together for me. 


Wonderful fun is how our life became full of rhythm and adventure before and now.


My eyes were opened to dream as it also twisted into something new and at times, difficult. 


Find your rhythm with me, my friends. I have my dancing shoes on.

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  1. Margene Morris on July 23, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    It amazes me each time how you are right in sync with my life when you write. I needed those words so much today….some unexpected turns in my road. Things I didn’t think I would do or be willing to do. I have decided to be open and willing. I will make what seems too difficult into fun and when I get thru it as I always do it will feel like I’m full and accomplished. Thank you for helping me see a different view or perspective.

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