
Strength Is Built #161 


Strength Is Built 


I am pulling in strength in a similar way that plants get ready to fall into a new space. 


They change, let go and are persistent with what they need to do. 

Knowing what comes next is how it goes with me, as well. 


It is also when I go back through my tried-and-true quotes that keeps my mind in a good direction. 

Strength is built by every day moves and grooves.

This is when I remember that strength is built by every day moves and grooves. 


A recent conversation also nudged me to look a bit deeper into what this looks like in life. 


Take some time to look at one of the people I have read about over the years. 


“Perseverance is not giving up. It is persistence and tenacity; the effort required to do something and keep doing it till the end.” – Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

Jackie Joyner-Kersee knows that strength is built. 


When I think about what is said here, I go back to how I have pulled in strength in the past. 


It is interesting to me that it has come through opposition.  


There are things, such as what you see here, that have helped me over the years. 


An exercise ball and a Bosu ball. Who knew! 

When I keep with what I know the strength that is built stays longer. 


Opposition is when my muscles and my mind become stronger. 

I pulled in the strength.

Here’s how it happened, and I pulled in the strength. 


First, came the change. 


I am a runner. Distance, intervals and mountains were my core. 


Then I began working with a trainer about a decade ago who knew me to start again. 


Oh, my lands! 

Not only did she know me but knew that I needed to change up the routine of running. 


Injury had come along with a decline in pursuits of my goals. 

My goals included staying strong, being flexible and looking at what can come next in physical endurance.


Have you done this? 

Perhaps you’ve been in a place where you’ve known your pace needed to be changed. 

Increase my abilities because strength is built.

My trainer added these two things to increase my abilities because strength is built. 


Creating steps, looking up and then getting stronger did come. 


Not overnight but with persistence and tenacity. 


Imagine it! 

It became what you read from Jackie. 


I then let go of what I had been before. 


Breathe with me as I go into this piece. 


The last race I’d done was on the mountains I love. 

In fact, it had been done to let go of the person I had been for so many years. 

Strength is also built on what I had been.

Strength is also built on what I had been and who I was becoming now. 


It was time to love the mountains and learn that opposition brings new strength. 


How can that be? 


I’ve asked that question for years. 

Sometimes while doing the very routines given by that trainer. 


To create something new I first needed to break down the old. 

Old thoughts, ways and forms from before I learned to move again. 


It also began to occur to me that my long rooted ways from my years had given me a good place to begin again. 


Finally, it was as if I was ready to begin looking at what was to come next.


There was a jaunt up one more mountain to begin this. 

It also had to do with the two things here. 


My trainer was fabulous when she gave me the work I needed to do. 


Here is what I now know. 

As the beginning became the middle of how strength was built for me, the daily parts of building my endurance reminded me of life. 


Starting where I was with someone who knew how to support my goals was important. 


Knowing what to do each day as a realignment with these two tools was powerful. 


Remembering that tenacity and audacity along with the opposition I felt as my muscles became stronger is what brightens each day now. 


Think about how you would like to build strength in any area of your realm. 

Consider if you’d like to find a trainer, friend or someone else to know how your strength is built. 


More to read:

Yoga and Creating Space #28

Regeneration of Energy #44

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  1. Margene Morris on October 15, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Boy, did I need to hear this today. I am working on this very thing at the moment, not so much in a physical sense but in mental strength. Thanks for always seeming to know where I am and what I need. You are amazing and so very intuitive or insightful.

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