Luck To the Day #164
Luck To the Day
There is a memory that comes falling into place once in a while.
It comes after I’ve crossed my fingers to bring more luck to the day.
Think about a time or two when your hands have looked like this.
Maybe fingers on both hands have come together.
Sometimes I looked for luck to come before sharing stories about time long gone or dreaming of a time to come.
I recently shared about time long gone as I bounced across a couple of states.
Sharing about how a small one became a tall one as he learned to let us know that he was communicating.
Help bring more luck to the day.
Crossing my fingers before the start of the first conversation to help bring more luck to the day as I dug deep.
Part of that digging brought me to the point of sharing two things at the first for people to know.
I share that with you now as I hope that things turn out the way I’d like them to during our time together.
It may not feel like science and yet I’ve had years to try these out in life.
First, when is there enough joy for any of us?
There are times when joy comes after some stepping through tough moments.
Perhaps it came when finding that being resilient is also part of what has come during life.
I found that sharing about looking deeply for joy brought me back to the ones who taught me how to look for it.
Looking for it right in front of my eyes for decades and sharing a magnifying glass with others when they need help seeing their joy.
I’ve remembered cheering others as they look for their own way through what comes next.
A touch of luck.
This piece is what falls in place for me with a touch of luck.
What I know about this first part is that looking and creating joy is what came to my realm with that small one.
Keeping it in place now is what comes next for me.
That is the second part that I shared in the bounce to my next landing.
Let me tell you about that as I cross my fingers.
Lucky for you, I’ve been here before.
You may have been here, as well.
Go back to a minute when you may have needed to cross all your fingers like pictured here.
When you wanted one thing to turn out well, just right or like you imagined it in your mind.
I shared this with others on my recent stop.
It’s all about being able to tell others what you want, love, think about and would like to have happen.
This is the dream for me and for those around me.
It’s what I wanted for our son who became the tall one.
I’ll tell you he did this, and I was able to share how it came to be in his lifetime.
He was tenacious, audacious and looked for all the ways to communicate.
Bringing luck to the day.
Bringing luck to the day was how I showed that wanting something to turn out well can happen.
Working on it, on your own and with others is how it comes at times.
Others may be there with you for the season or for a lifetime as you cross your fingers and then do what is needed.
Learning to do what was needed is when others came to teach our son during his lifetime.
Creating partnerships and looking at all the tools that could be helpful for what he wanted to use were the goals for him.
That is what I shared after digging and then finding gold.
I send all the luck as you create what you will share next.
Love your words as always….finding my own peace and comfort in those words today. Thank You!