
About Me

I am Julia. I have lived, volunteered and worked in the disability world for more than 25 years. I am a presenter at local and national conferences. I have written about personal lived experiences, communication, public policy, and advocacy. I know that everyone has something to say and that I can help them communicate and say what needs to be said. Our son, Dallin, is my muse who keeps me going in this realm. 

I have been known to run up and down mountains, and work in our rock-hard patch of dirt for hours, while taking pictures through it all. I have done yoga for more than 30 years and am now learning to do mindful meditation in my everyday moments.

I am a supporter of boutiques and antique shops all along the back roads. I find fun in big gatherings and peace in small one on one moments on our north lawn. I prefer action movies to chick flicks, thanks to decades of watching movies with the boys in my house, and will seek out the sun year round. 

I am married to the best man I know. He makes me laugh every day and look for the good in the world, even as we go through difficult experiences.


Speaker Sheet

Download Julia's speaker sheet here