
Throwing… Things

Baseball and Mitt

This baseball mitt is a year old. It was part of my gifts that were under the Christmas tree. 


Is that what you dream of being under the tree? 



Then you are with me on this one! 

I really do like it and check out the colors.  Perfect.


We love to play and throwing things, including baseballs, is one of those things. 


What else have we thrown? Frisbees, leaves, stuffed animals and sock balls! 


Are a couple of these new to you? 

I will describe one or two for you. 


Sock balls are made from old socks, sewn into loose soft rolls ready to be tossed about every room in the house. 

Sock Balls Flying

Anyone in our house can pick one or more up, plan for a strategic barrage with others and then let the balls fly!  


These balls are light and soft enough that they can be tossed at anyone while smiles stay on the faces for all. 


I will say that if there are kids older than fifteen and adults then a simple rule of underhand throwing does help with damage control and pops on the head. 


Just sayin’.


This is the best thing to throw year round!


Now to the stuffed animals. 

Why do you throw stuffed animals?  We would ask, why would you not? 


Can you guess? Soft is the theme here again. 


We have been known to throw three specific stuffed animals as part of playing and laughing while one of us catches then toss from one to the next. 


There were three of us that did this and now there are two.  Two can still play catch, right? 

Play On


Play on.


Now, there are other things that have been thrown.

What, you ask? 


Perhaps, as importantly, during what?

Water and mud are great things to throw about. 


Ah. What is this and why would you do it? 


When I was a teenager, there were many opportunities to have water fights.  With family members and friends.  


In the yard, along the street and even have it carryover into the house a time or two! One time, the inside of a car got soaked during a water fight.


Do you do this?  Or have you? 

Throwing Mud

Mud coming into play can enhance how much is thrown. Yes, the distance is increased and so is the spray of mess. 


A field across the street from where I grew up was turned into a massive field of mud for a gentle game of football.  Also known as a game of slip and slide and oops sorry about that mud in your eye that came out of nowhere from my hand.


Another caution to this tale.  

Dirt clods that tune into mud masses are to be smashed and liquified.  Remember,  soft is the key. Smooth and easy makes for smiles along the way. 


Now, let’s go back to the baseball mitt. 

I have always liked throwing things. Wonder why that was. Finally, I figured out about 25 years ago when I realized that our son also liked to throw things. 


He would watch where he was throwing, and then look at his arm and hand as if to say wow, that was new to me.  That was incredible. Let’s do it again. 

Try This

Try this out with me to understand a bit more.

First, find something you can throw. A ball, rolled sock, or a soft toy.  


Do you have it? Great. 


Next step. As you throw this something, pay attention to how it feels from your shoulder to your fingertips. 


Throw it hard enough that you feel the energy.


Did you do it?  

Was there a sensation that pulsed down your arm, through the elbow along the wrist and tingled out the fingertips? 


Did you wind up and gather all of your energy to make sure you hit the mark before letting the ball, or whatever you have in hand, go? 


Try it again. 

Do you feel it now? 


What else did you notice?  Did you concentrate, smile or look around to make sure there was enough room? 


When I throw things, this is what I feel.  I always have. Power zooms out of my arm and hand. 

Release Power

I release that power when I throw things. 

The spring of power leaves my body when I let go of whatever I throw. 


Like the baseball in this glove.  That ball has loads of energy waiting for me to zip along to the person I am sending it to.  I am sharing energy. 


Zow. Pow. Zip. 


Underhand or fastpitch. 

I can release it. 


Any of these items, and so much more, feel incredible to throw and release. 


Do you know what else?  


I found this to be true of most things.  

When I let things go, the release of it is fun, it is my way of being, often includes a concentrated face and then a smile. 


New power and energy then come back. 


What if we all let things go, released those things that we decided could be and let the zip bring us what comes next. 


Are you up for trying it?  It can be done with two. Three is even more fun.

Play on, my friends.   


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