
Road Less Traveled #141

Road Less Traveled

Road Less Traveled


I am in a time of life when I am on a road less traveled, different than those around me. 


It could be that my twists and turns have brought me to a time that I tried to see coming. 


Perhaps the turns that came also showed some views that helped me pause before I came to my current well-worn path. 


Maybe that is why the painting in our home pulled me in and held my attention. 

The Two Ways from Jorge Cocco Santangelo shows someone walking down a path. 


As the person progresses, they can choose to go one of two ways. 

The beauty of this painting is not only the lines and colors used but it is that the person gets to choose. 


Here is why I love to sit in the room where the painting hangs and consider what roads have come before me. 


Roads, paths and trails that I am able to think about along with the quote that flows through my mind. 


Part of the quote from Robert Frost says: Two roads diverged in the woods, and I – I took the one less traveled by.

I have had two roads before me.

I have had two roads before me in my life many times. 


Some roads have come, and I get to make the choice of where to go next. 

The choice could be simple or complex. 


These times came all along my life when I paused or made quick decisions. 


Then there are the moments when the choices before me were made due to sudden events that came to those around me or to myself. 


The next twists and turns of my road less traveled is what happened next. 


Decisions that needed to be made quickly at times. 


Think about a time when you needed to make a quick decision or that one choice came in a blink of an eye. 


Now, what was happening around you or who was with you at the time. 


Are you in that moment? 

I am with you as the road less traveled carried me back.

I am with you as the road less traveled has carried me back to one moment when the road became like this path. 


It felt like bits of rock had become my road instead of a paved path when this series of events began. 


A time when one person I love had his own series of events happen and life became full of quick choices. 


We found a way to dance and take that rocky path with bits of fun while navigating unknown next steps.


What I know now is that his road was powerful, joyful and mighty to be with him. 

Does your moment tell you a new bit of truth? 


Here’s my next piece. 


I now live in a new realm with people I’ve come to know.


Now, here is what I’d like to share with you. 

Taking the road less traveled brought me a few more things.

Taking the road less traveled brought me a few more things. 


The next bit of reality came as I decided to keep going down the rocky path that dear loved one had shown me. 


I’ll tell you it surprised me at first as I discovered that my road was different from others. 


Then I listened to this from Ed Mylett about going into this new space of going down the road.


I now get to think about these two things. 

While I may be in a space that is my own rocky path, I can also take that energy to create what I want to do next. 


I can decide what experience to build on next even if this road has more twisty ways than I thought would be coming or expected. 


What are two things you get to think about? 

Are they unexpected or do you feel like you’ve known what was coming on your road less traveled?


I have one more point as you consider these bits.


I also have people who roll along this road with me. Some who have been with me on the paved path and others who are coming along now. Keep the circle around you. 


Think of those who are with you and keep going down the road before you. I’m up for all of the roads, paths and trails. 

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  1. Mom on May 13, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    Amen. Love this. ❤️

    • Julia Pearce on May 19, 2024 at 7:45 pm

      Thank you! The road is always a good place to be ~love ya

  2. Margene Morris on May 13, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    Thank you, once again you have tapped into my thoughts. We seem to follow a similar path of thinking. Love you my friend.

    • Julia Pearce on May 19, 2024 at 7:46 pm

      I love that we have similar pathways, my friend!

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