
Live the Life You’ve Imagined #156 

life imagined

Live the Life You’ve Imagined


Life is grand and then it’s tough as nails, then it’s beyond description yet again. 


Moments of high and then low, with crashes that I did not know if I would come up from. 


There was a time when I thought I knew what I was meant to do in the years I had here. 


What audacity I had, as I think back! 


It was such a long time ago and yet I can remember it clearly. 


I was going to live the life set up in my young mind. 


Have you done this? 

Time when you were going to live a life you’ve imagined.

Had a time when you were going to live the life you’ve imagined? 


There is a time to treasure this beginning. 


Such as when I reach for the quote from Henry David Thoreau.


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. 

Live the life you’ve imagined. 


Did I know I was reaching for my dreams when I was young?


Truthfully, I did not. 


It was a time of trust and pixie dust. 


Fully running along with others and then on my own as the world kept rolling to a rhythm that brought new landscapes for me to experience. 


What I began to see is that my confidence was a part of going forward to what was coming next. 


Perhaps the changes that came were a part of living the life you’ve imagined. 


When I see comes with balancing and being on the edge of the unknown at times. 


Even when it may have appeared that I knew what I was going for next.

It was at these times when life was beyond what I could have imagined.

It was at these times when life was beyond what I could have imagined. 

The First and Second Acts were meant to be a part of my life. 


Yet it was only later that this could be seen. 


Could it be like these two rocks? 


I thought they were lucky to be like this until I noticed one more thing.


Something that was not seen until I looked closer from a different angle. 


One of these stones has a notch in them that looks to be made to sit perfectly next to the other. 


Did the hands that placed them on this edge know that? 

Were they sought out with confidence so they would fit together well for a longer period of time? 


That is to be answered by the one who imagined this. 

Thank you for sharing your realm. 

Living the life you’ve imagined can be similar to this.

Living the life you’ve imagined can be similar to this, my friends. 


Can we be as diligent and purposeful in our placement of each step? 


This has also brought my mind to another time when hands taught me about placing things confidently. 


When we pay attention to other ways that stacks of rocks have been used, it tells us which way we can choose to go. 


As friends and family listen with us, share their paths of knowledge and how they may have been able to live the life they’ve imagined, it can show us another way to go in our direction.


What if it’s not about imagining but about following examples? We can talk to each other to learn together. 


There is also this space of wonderment. 


Take a breath with me as I pause here. 


I’ve come to know that my life is also about change. By knowing that what is in front of me now and what I thought my realm would look like is actually quite different from what my young self imagined. 

Can both of my realms of life be true? Yes.


Here is what I know now. 


Going confidently with pure audacity and joy does not mean that what I thought before was wrong or incorrect. 


Neither is what I am doing now in this space. 

They are different.


My dreams from before were delightful and fulfilled. Becoming and doing things in many spaces were powerful. 


Finding a new rhythm is where my two steps have come into play. 

Sometimes with balance. 

Other times have been with a wobble and double take. 


I am still becoming. Looking for others who are also going in a new direction. 


It is all part of living the life you’ve imagined. 




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  1. Susan Bradshaw on September 10, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    Interesting thoughts. I don’t really remember a life I imaged! Except to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continually. Having a home, husband, family that love each other continually. No struggles! However, the struggles do come and there is a plan for that. I think my rocks don’t have a fit most of the time and tumble and fall quite often, but I think I just leave them where they lay and go on with my day! I am grateful there is someone watching over me and helps to keep me on the right path, so I don’t slip too far off. You have such great insights on life. thanks for sharing! Love ya’

  2. Margene Morris on September 10, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    I have seldom thought back at what I had imagined my life…I guess I imagined being married and being a my imagined life came to be. I had not anticipated all that came with it, so those ups and downs felt normal and just part of the ride. I am grateful to have knowledge that this is just a part of my path so I take things as they come and see them as lessons or boosts or changes that were necessary to get where I am headed and where I really want to be. I appreciate and love the way you put feelings and ideas into words, beautiful words. Thank you.

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