
Weekend Wonderings


First Idea is Absurd

By Julia Pearce / October 10, 2022 /

First Idea is Absurd #61   There are times when I imagine things first and then jump into action to make the idea happen. What if the first idea appears…

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Big upheavals

Big Upheaval #60

By Julia Pearce / October 3, 2022 /

Change and upheaval is a time that some love and others pull away from. Can you feel when a big upheaval is coming in one way or another? It could look…

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Thing not like the other

Things Is Not Like the Other #59

By Julia Pearce / September 26, 2022 /

Have you ever been going along, doing your thing and a song pops into your head from so many years ago?    One of these things is not like the…

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Image in the Mirror

True Mirror 9-19-2022 # 58

By Julia Pearce / September 19, 2022 /

This time of year brings change including the weather.    The seasons are moving from summer to autumn with time to check out what to wear as temperatures drop bit…

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Superpower Suit

Where’s My Super Suit

By Julia Pearce / September 12, 2022 /

There is a line from a movie that we quote often in our house.  It has to do with a super suit.    You may know it as soon as…

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Redundancy plan

Redundancy Plan #56

By Julia Pearce / September 5, 2022 /

I make plans.    Plans made far into the future.    The calendar on my wall at work can be planned out for the coming months for travel plans to…

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Hot day with clouds

Hot Hot Hot #55

By Julia Pearce / August 29, 2022 /

All good things come to an end and this time of year is no exception.    One of the local meteorologists mentioned that there are only four weeks until autumn…

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Year of the fox

Year of the fox #54

By Julia Pearce / August 22, 2022 /

Ladies and gentlemen, I forgot my introduction!   To what, you ask?  To this entire year, my friends.  There is still time as we are only in August.   Let’s…

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Restart and refocus

Restart and refocus #53

By Julia Pearce / August 15, 2022 /

Let’s start by talking about what is done to get through a new week.  Do you have routines that help you roll through these beginnings?   Part of what we…

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What's All This?

What’s All This? #52

By Julia Pearce / August 8, 2022 /

We often quote lines from movies in our home.    It can be quotes from one we saw when we were kids ourselves, current movies and children’s movies that we…

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