
Weekend Wonderings

Popcorn popping

Popcorn Popping #142

By Julia Pearce / May 27, 2024 /

Popcorn Popping   There are trees popping with color on the branches in my part of the world these days.  Some of the colors are white and gently flow in…

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Road Less Traveled

Road Less Traveled #141

By Julia Pearce / May 13, 2024 /

Road Less Traveled   I am in a time of life when I am on a road less traveled, different than those around me.    It could be that my…

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Different perspectives

Different perspectives #140 

By Julia Pearce / May 7, 2024 /

Different perspectives  Perception and different perspectives. What does this mean to you? Perhaps it depends on where you sit. It has been different perspectives at other times as I now…

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In the Park

In the Park #139

By Julia Pearce / April 29, 2024 /

In the Park   Here we go! It’s time to find a light jacket and get ourselves in the park.    There are memories here that I will share with…

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Blooming in this spot

Blooming in This Spot #138 

By Julia Pearce / April 15, 2024 /

Blooming in This Spot   I went on a walkabout recently.    The breeze would come and go while I went from here to there.    Then I realized there…

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Yellow Tulip

Paths in Life #137 

By Julia Pearce / April 8, 2024 /

Paths in Life   The mountains are still covered in snow around and yet I hear them calling me.    It seems that there are trails that need to be…

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A circle of women

A Circle of Women #136 

By Julia Pearce / April 1, 2024 /

A Circle of Women We’re going to play an alphabet game today.    Think of the women around you.    Start with someone whose name starts with the letter A,…

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Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy #135

By Julia Pearce / March 25, 2024 /

Beautiful Boy   My life recently felt like a song that tells the story for me.    First, I meandered through pages of photos that led me to memories that…

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Sense of Love

Finding a Sense of Love #134

By Julia Pearce / March 18, 2024 /

Finding a Sense of Love   There are days like today when I look outside to see a bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds that make me pause and…

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Find Bliss

Find Bliss #133 

By Julia Pearce / March 14, 2024 /

Find Bliss   Do you feel the empty spaces?    This is the time to hold onto that space to see what comes in between.    The in between is…

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